2 minute read
CPA Branch Ollice Opened In San Francisco
A branch office of the Central Procuring Agency was established in San Francisco, effective August 4. Captain Carvel D. Brown, U. S. Engineers, is in charge. The office will handle all Army and Navy purchases of lumber in the Redwood r.egion, and all details for both rail and cargo. The contracts issued by the office will be administered there from purchase through final payments.
It is not yet deterrr{ined what the policy will be regarding the buying of Pine, but in the meantime Lieutenant Jack Hogg USN will be in charge of Pine purchases at the Portland office.
Captain Brown has had considerable experience in the Redwood industry, having been with The Pacific Lumber Company at Scotia for some years up to the time he entered the service. He was born in Humboldt County, and his father, Percy Brown, now retired, is a former Redwood producer.
Reports on Legislcrtive Mcrtters
C. W. Pinkerton, manager of the Lumbermen's Governmental Service Bureau, Whittier, advises that the last regular session of the California legislature in 1943 enacted seven constitutional amendments that will be on the ballot in the November election to be voted on. The Bureau will endeavor during the next two months to give the dealers a short analysis of these amendments, also an analysis of whatever initiative petitions will appear on the ballot.
A Nice Boost
We always enjoy your magazine. Cannot "keep house" without it'
A. R. Brev
Brey-Wrigit Lumber Co. Porterville, Calif.
Overend Brothers Hanre Mcny Decorcrtions
Major Edmund F. Overend, U. S. Marine Corps Reserve' 'r) was awarded the U. S. Distinguished Flying Cross on June ,..:':l 22. He u'as in charge of a squadron that destroyed 39 r' Japanese planes on theit first tour of combat duty in tfe .1{ period December ?,4, 1943, to January 28, 1944. He had al- ,i'; ready been awarded the Flying Cloud of China and the Dis- i tinguished Flying Cross of Great Britain, making hirn one j; of the few flyers that hold both DFC's.
Oak Leaf Clusters.
New Office Building - .,i
Hcrs been done by United Stcrtes glider troope cnd gliders, both in the Normcndy invcsion and in Burmq!
11<lill tt.r* there has not been time to tell )'ou, but-BradleY PRE-
F'INISHED Hardwood Flooring has been in volume production since earlv in the war construction period. Millions of feet havc been laid in \\'ar agencv buildings, FPHA ancl FHA houses from c()ast to coast. Developcd b)' exhaustivc research' its abilitl to q'ithstand severe usage and \r'ear-not to menti()n elimination of sanding ancl finishing after laying-has w()n nati()n-wide acceptance.
Bv the same token, Bradley PRE-FINISHED Harclu'ood Flooring will qualify for the Post\:r'ar market' With likelihood that building restrictions may be eased sooner than expected, \'ou are invited to write us no\\. for further particulars.