2 minute read
Fir Door Manufacturers Introduce New Construction Featu
Irtrltrovinu still itrrtlrt'r- l)otrglas lir <loors, $'hich long har-e been rnanuflrcturcrl urr<ler u. S. c.onrnlcrcial Stlrn<l lrrds oI qualitr., flr r'loor mlrkcrs lto\\' are introtltrcilrg [actorl' fit:trrcl nrachinetl closurcs as stock ilrtcrior dool's'
.fhe Prelit ieature u.as irrtrodrrcccl irr the lirre ri{ iteavv 1li inc-h erttrtincc cloors iu 1939 ancl the sttcccss of this ir.rnor-atiou stlggeste(l expancling the prtlgrarn to incluclc the entire line oi hottse tloors.
The-se doors. rather than being rltaclc olcrsizc to be harrrl-trin]mecl ()n thc job, are crlt t0 exact clinrensions bv
f,1:Lnrrfactrrrcrs realize that ail cloors rvill not liave tubullrr locks und that in r.nlrtr1'cilscs llrore expensir-c hardu':rrc, rcclrtiring special machining o{ the door, 'r"'ill be clernarr<letl. For hontcorvrters tlesiring such speciai u'ork' unru:rchinecl doors u-ill, of cortrse, lre alailalr'le' 'lo pernrit hanging of the cloor to srvir.rg cithcr to the lcit or right, the factorr'-mortise for hinges rvill not be conrpletc. Rathcr, a narro\\' strip of stile t'i11 be left at eithcr eclge of the nrortise ; one edge u'ill lle letnovcd bv thc carpenter before placing the hinge.
Old qnd New-Right: Ccrpenter trims oll "horns" Irom door purposely iol"-tl"r"i"e to -crllow fitiittg= to inexcrct oPenings on the iob., Lelt: A prelit door lits lrame wilhout sdwing Crnd Plqnrng, mcY De Doreq ;;[';;rtt*; iot io"t " crnd beveled loi hinges' Applving hcrrdware is therelore <r simple opercrlion' precisi<irr tnachiuerr-atlcl are reaclr'to hang u'hett therlcave the 111x5,-s-prodttction cloor factories"
I)re-fittittg nlearls savirlg of llrbor irl harrgitrg ancl therefor.e slteccls corrstructirltt. \lore irrrPortatrt, brrilclefs anrl horne on-ncrS are lt-sttrtrl irrl'l lrcltlt-r' :ttt11 tl:txittrlrrll rrtilitv of thc <loot' u'hctr irr 1llace
ComPlete Machining Now Available
Thc nracl-rirring of stot:li rloorS is tron :Llso oItcrt tlotic :tt thc iltctorr' 'l'his r,r'ortlcl irlcltrtlt'llorittg.l'tttortisitl.-. f'rt'
Iocl<s rLrrtl gairting or rotltillg frlr l'rirrgcs'
Whilc lroth tlrc Ire littirrg itlttl ttt:icltittillg .i the irrteri,r rloors is tros'rlotrc ottl-r'trl spcciai or<1cr, it is thc ttltimate objectir.e, :iccorrlitrg trl \,V. I.]. I)il|ortl. trr:rtr:Lging clircctrlr of Fir Door lnstitrrtc. industrv trlrdc prrttrotiottltl orgarlization' ttl 'lrrirlg .rtt ;i lil'rc rtI st.cl< Pre-lit llntl trlrtcllitle 'l tioors.
Consiclerablc rc-*earch irrrcl studv h:rs bcen givcrr t lr"' problem of stanclarclizetl tlimcnsiotrs f or pre-litting and star.da.cl specifrcatior.rs for ltoring, mortising anci gaining. Cooperation \\.ith {rame mauttfacturers u'orrl11 inclicatc tl.rat ,.,o ir.,..rp".oble clifEculties rvill be ctrcounteretl ir-r pre-littir.rg to $.iclth ancl lensth, althotlgh tl'rickncss of finish floor cor'erings clctern.rines \.hctl.rer or 11()t it.is as ttnivcrsallv applicltltle no\\-tr-c it mat- be in frrture rvher.r tlle arll'erlt;iges of stantlarclization har-e filtered throngh to al1 f:rr.:tors in the builcling trarlc.
Applvinq lock to premqchined, prelit Douglcrs lir dool. Here doors qre L-ff;i;J'{"t hinqes belore lecving the lcrctory. and mcy be morlised ;;il;; l"t locfs. Survey shows volume house-markel is in bored-in rYPe ol stcrndqrd lubulcrr lock'
_\rr txpurrde<l proriloti0nltl ltrogram has l-retrt rtntlert:ilictt ltl.the manuiitctttrcrs t(l introtlttce thc cloors right iloN er,cn though at ltresent thcir Prtlduct is availalrlc onll' for rvar rrccrls :tnrl csscnti:rl ltrriltlirrg. Irull pagc :ttlYcrtiscrnerlts .in lruil<1cr trncl clc:tlcr prrblications:irc:I i)xrt "I tlte cotrtinuins PrOmOtion. '\lrcaclv, buil<lcrs of sizallle hotrsing lrrt.rjccts lroth private zrrrcl ltublic-'h:tve tttrnecl to thc fullr'ril:rclrinerl rl()ors rtot only Ior ecollolllV lrrrt for :Il)l)earallcC r.altt e.
Modern Door Designs Featu,red
l"('iLttlr-c(l irl t1-rc catnpaign are tnotlertr three-panel de' sigrrs rr.l.rich rr0t onlv hartnotrize r','ith prcscnt r1a1' architecturc lrut also contriltute to nell' decorative tl-remes of rentoclelerl homcs. Itr tune u,ith the tiurcs, the Iiir door manufacturers hope to interest distributors antl clealer,s in :r starrrlarrlization and simplification program rvhich $'ili offer ltettcr clesigr]s zrrchitecturally in somervhat ferver sizes ancl fen'er tlotr-essential layout variations'
Sliding Doors Again
At thc satnc tit'ue the Dotrglas fir door industrl i-s readl'(Cor-rtinnecl on Page 24)