The California Lumber Merchant - August 1944

Page 22

ilJ:.l .: -:,.-- I';- ' j .',: '.': -:-:,ri-::i -.I , r .'r-r.--r i';- -, i.:,-- .1-a!*--=--.-.1.]=1-11 LOS AITGEI,ES voL. 23. NO. 4 I.NANCISCO AUGUST 15. 1944 BAXCO ClIROMATED ZIl{C CHT(lRIDE Trected in trcrnsit at our completely equipped plcnt at Alameda, Calil. Treated crnd stocked qt our Long Becrch, Calif., plant 333 Montgomery St., San Frcorcisco 4, phone DOuglcs 3gg3 601 W. Fitth SL, Los Angeler 13, phone Mlchigcn 6294 P Rl.S.!.g._EE TREATED rU it BER ANGTO CATIFORNIA TUMBER (0. X/HOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS of Ponderosa Pine - Sugar Pine Douglas Fir - Redwood Distribution Yard and General Office 655 East Florence Ave. LOS ANGELES 1 THomwdl 3144


In the very necr luture we hope to publish the BLOOD DONOR ROLL in c subsequent issue ol this magczine. Be sure your. ncnrre is included.

lf you owe your life to someone you would certainly want to ftnow that pelson's name

True, it is impossible to label every'pin1 of Flgsma with ecrch donor's i*" or idenfrty, f"t ttt"te should b; a Blood Donor Botl oI those who h;. so unseltistrly given blood that some Americcn boy mcry live.

So mcny lumbermen hcrve lreely giv_en_their blood to this vitcrl cause thcrt ;e ;" Jtortirrg ott trottot roll on -which their ncrmes cre to be inscribed cs deeply clnd plrmcrnently cs they are in the hecrts ol those brcrve boys whose lives they scved.

II you hqve clrecrdy given your blood, we would crpprecicte your ?"Tding us c note ot "Jtiig ott ih" telephone. Il you-havent cs yet' pledre *iL" it cr point to do "o . . it wiu not inconvenience you in the_leqst' nor will it ccruse you the least bit ol pain or suffering. Iust ston _<r1d thhk oio* boys who crie willing to risk their lives for you you ccrn't let them down,

August 15,1944 Pogc 3 INSECT SCREEN CLOTH "DUROID" Electro Galvanized "DURO" BRoNze OUR ADVERTISERS *Advertising appears in alternate issues. Anglo California Lumber Co. -- .,,----O.F.C. American Hardwood Co. American Lumber and Treating Co. - 2l Arcata Redwood Co.- * Atkinson-Stutz Co. ..,..,-, -,,,,, 16 Back Panel Company .-. .-- .--, - 26 Baxter & Co., J. H. ,-------,---O.F.C. Blue Diamond Corporation ___..__..._._2) Bradley Lumber Co., of Arkansas,----------.--- - 5 Bruce Co.. E. L. 13 Burns Lumber Co.. Butler. Seth L Fordyce-Cross€tt Sales Co. ----- , Fountain Lumber Co., Ed. Gamerston & Green Lumber Co. Hall, James L. 24 Haley Bros..-- 24 Hallinan Mackin Lumber Co. .- ,--..--,-...29 Hammond Lumber Co.---- -- - -- 16 Hill & Morton. Inc. -.,------. -,29 Hobbs Wall Lumber Co..- 29 Flogan Lumber Co. 28 Floover. A. L. , - -,- ,-------, .- .10 Johns-Manville Corp. johr.on Lumber c"rp""rii"r, C. ii.-Kilpatrick & Company Koehl & Son, Inc., John W. Kuhl Lumber Co.. Carl H. Lamon-Bonnington Company , ,--Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co. 20 Lumbermen's Credit Association Masonite Corporation McDuffee Lumber Sales Corp. .-.-.- 24 Mengel Company, The-------------,--,-- :r Moore Dry Kiln Co. Pacific Lumber Co., The Pacific Mutual Door Co. Pacific Vire Products Co.,--- ,. Parelius Lumber Co. Patrick Lumber Co. Penberthy Lumber Co. .--. Ponderosa Pine VoodworkPope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Division Pordand Cement Association Precision Kiln Drying Co., - ,,-,-,-,,19 California Builders Supply Co. --, ,-California Door Co.. The- ------ ,---,--California Panel & Veneer Co.,-,, Campbell-Conro Lumber Co. -,-Carr & Co., L. J. -. Celotex Corporation, The Christenson Lumber Co. t2 . _20 _._2L ,.27 .,______26 .28 ,24 2 7 r4 4 Red Cedar Shingle Bureau.------ - , ,,-,-,,----I7 Red River Lumber Co. -- 2t Robbins Lumbet Co., R. G..-- -- 28 Ross Carrier Co.-- --,----- --,.15 Ross-Terrell Co.. The San Pedro Lumber Company Santa Fe Lumber Co. .----- --. Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co. ----, Schumacher Vall Board Corporation,-- 7 Shevlin Pine Sales Co.--------- ..----, ----,---,. , ,. 27 Southwestern Portland Cement Co. -----,- - - 25 Stanton & Son, E. J.,-- 25 Sudden & Christenson. Inc. lO Tacoma Lumber Sales Tarter, Vebster & Johnson, Inc. 26 f'oste Lumber Company 6 U. S. Plywood Cotporation Wendling-Nathan Co.,-- --------17 Vest Coast Screen Co.--... , ,,...-.---- 3 West Oregon Lumber Co. Western Dmr & Sash Co.,---------- -,S/estern Flardwood Lumber Co. -19 Vestern Mill & Moulding Co..---------,----------- t Weyerhaeuser Sales Company,----,V/hite Brothers ----- ,,Vholesale Building Supply, Inc. - ------,----- 2a W-holesale Lumbet Distributors, Inc. ,------,-,--- 27 Wood Lumber Co.. E. K. - - - - - -.--- ,29 Cobb Co., T. M. Consolidated Lumber Co. Cooper, V. E.,-, Dant & Russell, Inc. -------2O Douglas Fir Plywood Association .-- O.B.C. Eubank & Son, L. H. Ewauna Box Co. Fir Door fnstitute 1l Fir-Tex of Northern California 27 Fir-Tex of Southern California 27 Fleishman Lumber Co.---, -- .-- -- ----------------,.26


CPA Branch Ollice Opened In San Francisco

A branch office of the Central Procuring Agency was established in San Francisco, effective August 4. Captain Carvel D. Brown, U. S. Engineers, is in charge. The office will handle all Army and Navy purchases of lumber in the Redwood r.egion, and all details for both rail and cargo. The contracts issued by the office will be administered there from purchase through final payments.

It is not yet deterrr{ined what the policy will be regarding the buying of Pine, but in the meantime Lieutenant Jack Hogg USN will be in charge of Pine purchases at the Portland office.

Captain Brown has had considerable experience in the Redwood industry, having been with The Pacific Lumber Company at Scotia for some years up to the time he entered the service. He was born in Humboldt County, and his father, Percy Brown, now retired, is a former Redwood producer.

Reports on Legislcrtive Mcrtters

C. W. Pinkerton, manager of the Lumbermen's Governmental Service Bureau, Whittier, advises that the last regular session of the California legislature in 1943 enacted seven constitutional amendments that will be on the ballot in the November election to be voted on. The Bureau will endeavor during the next two months to give the dealers a short analysis of these amendments, also an analysis of whatever initiative petitions will appear on the ballot.

A Nice Boost

We always enjoy your magazine. Cannot "keep house" without it'

A. R. Brev

Brey-Wrigit Lumber Co. Porterville, Calif.

Overend Brothers Hanre Mcny Decorcrtions

Major Edmund F. Overend, U. S. Marine Corps Reserve' 'r) was awarded the U. S. Distinguished Flying Cross on June ,..:':l 22. He u'as in charge of a squadron that destroyed 39 r' Japanese planes on theit first tour of combat duty in tfe .1{ period December ?,4, 1943, to January 28, 1944. He had al- ,i'; ready been awarded the Flying Cloud of China and the Dis- i tinguished Flying Cross of Great Britain, making hirn one j; of the few flyers that hold both DFC's.


Oak Leaf Clusters.

New Office Building - .,i


Hcrs been done by United Stcrtes glider troope cnd gliders, both in the Normcndy invcsion and in Burmq!




Pcgo I ,t, t E t{AnTIN Mcncglnt
W. T. BI.ACK Advertisirg Mcrncgnr
JackDionne,fufW* tlconrorat.d uldcr thc lqsr ol Gclitoniq l. C. Dlooao, Prm. qld frecr.; l. E. Mcrtla; Vlcc.Pror.; W. f. Elac|r Sccrctcty Publlrhrd llc lrt cod lsth oI .(tch nolth ct 5@.9.10 Coircl Euldiag, 108 Wort Sixth Str..l, Lor f,agrlo ld, Cdt., Tclcpbouc Vladilc 1555. Eatrrod cr Sccoad.clcrr Eqtt.r g.plcnbct 8, 192!N. ct tbe Port OlEc. cl Lor Aagdo, Cclltoralc, uldor Acl ol lrtarch 3, t879 w. T. BLf,cI gS Lrcrrarodb tt. Sqn I 3al0 M. ADAIIS Cimlctloa Mo<rga Subscription Price, S2.00 per Yccr Single Copies,25 ceutg ecch LOS ANGELES 14, CAL., AUGUST 15,1944 Adverlisitg Bat r on Appliccdoa '.ii ti
:d,, .i:l fi
He is a son of Paul E. Overend of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco. Another son, Major Walter J. Overend is now attending combat intelligenqe school in Orlando, Fla., following much service in England.. North Africa and Italy that brought him awards of th'e U. S. Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal, and six loti Eart 5lrt Strcct
Alameda Lumber & Wrecking Co., Los Angeles, which,''il opened for business a few months ago, has just completed ,': the construction of a new office building. Robert R. Miles, :i' who was with Acme Wrecking & Lumber Co. for a number,:l of vears. is the owner.
We crre proud to state that our principcl wctr effort is AIRCRAFT LUMBER

11<lill tt.r* there has not been time to tell )'ou, but-BradleY PRE-

F'INISHED Hardwood Flooring has been in volume production since earlv in the war construction period. Millions of feet havc been laid in \\'ar agencv buildings, FPHA ancl FHA houses from c()ast to coast. Developcd b)' exhaustivc research' its abilitl to q'ithstand severe usage and \r'ear-not to menti()n elimination of sanding ancl finishing after laying-has w()n nati()n-wide acceptance.

Bv the same token, Bradley PRE-FINISHED Harclu'ood Flooring will qualify for the Post\:r'ar market' With likelihood that building restrictions may be eased sooner than expected, \'ou are invited to write us no\\. for further particulars.

Nu"! iA,try


'i Speciai frnish applied at factory penetrates deeplv, seals the wood, provides a hard, lustrous surface highly resistant to damage and wcaf.


:) No sanding. No finishing. Ready when laid! Bradlel' "straight-Line" manufacture expcdites laving.

Affords distinct savings over regular flooring laid, sanded and finished.

Conforms strictly to Bradley standards.



ll7 West 6lst Street. New York 23, New York

The Bradley Lumber Compony ol Arkcnsas Wqrren, Arkqnsqs

June 14, 1944

Genllemen: From ecrly in 1942 to dqte, we have loid 5,680,000 squcre leet oI Brcdley Pre-Finished Flooring lor c totql ol 167 iobs. In eqch instqnce we lound its quclity up to highest stqndord ol mqnulqcture. Furthemore, with eoch instqllo- lion we qre more qnd more impressed with the cmozingly durcble lcclory linish wbich cbsolutely eliminctes cny necessity ol subsequent sonding cnd linishing. This lecture, plus Brodley's strcight-line mqnulqcture which ircludea precision tongue-ond-groove litting, hqs encbled us to sot new lloor lcying records.

We hecrtily recommend Brcdley Pre-Finished Hqrdwood Floodng lo genercl contrqclots and property owners qlllc qnd conglqlulqte you on producing such qn excellal qld tieely product.

Very truly yours, FLOORMEN'S SUPPLY COMPANY (eigrued) M. Milstein

August 15, 1944 Poge 5 *Tu _-*_a&it Yfi ;3: i-.-TTOOR
:' One oJ ltundrecls oJ tuartime proj' ects rabere Bradley PRE-FINISHED Harc/tuooc/ Flooring is prot'ittg its u'ortlt
.l 4 5

Kitten Quints Born with "M" ol McCormick Line

WAC Lieutenqnt Now in London

First I-ieutenatrt Itlizalteth M. llarrington oi Women's -'\rmv Corps. darrghtcr of Glenn M. Harrington of \'IacDonlLlcl & llarrington, I-t(l., San Francisco, is no'w statiorrerl irr London, n'here she urrivecl shortll' before DDu)'. She is attached to thc First Irhoto Intelligence Detail..tith.\rtn;'Air liorce, iLnd in a fetv u,eeks u'ill have been in thc service for tu'o \rears.

Los Angeles Building Permits

l-os Angelcs builcling ltcrrnits isstted ior July totale<l 3,011. n'ith a r-aiuation of $8,200,.i91). Junc pertnits totaled 2,616, rvith a v:rluation of $3,360,529.

Bulk of thc July permits is reJrrcserttecl in 1,012 neu' residences ar.r<l garages, 32 t'rcn' 1-rotcls arrcl apartn-rellts or adclitions ancl rrlterations.

West Cocrst Logs

OPA announces several changes in the West Coast logs regulation, inclurling one l'hich incorporates a li-s1 o{ scalers and graclers approved by the age11c\'. (Arnendnrent l5 to Rer.ised l\{I'R 161), effective Aug. 14.


"Mi11ie" is a har<l-rvorktttg f{altcsc ctlt lIt thc l'ortland

Terminal of the \fcCornrick Stc:rnrship l)ivision <-,{ Pope & Talbot, Irrc., pionecr shiltpir-rg lrrnt. -\lthottgh the cornpany of6ciirls felt that "-\l illie" anrplv earned hcr board and tluarters bl' assidttottsll- pttrstting tactics rvhich n-raclc nrousc and rat intruclers at the tcrrninal ttnhappv, someho'iv in her feline soul, she felt that some greater tnark of loyalty should be shnu-n to her firtn. Ilvcn apprcciativc purring seemecl to her to fall short of thc mark.

Theref ore, when "l'Ii1lie" rccently became the proucl mother of five kittens, each ttne of the quintuplets, as shorvn irr the pictttre, rv:rs born rvith a large Gothic "M" plainly marked on the forehcad. The "M" is identical to the letter used on the horrse flag to distinguish McCorntick ships all over the lvorld.

Of course, there are sonte skcptics rvho claim ti-rat five kittens all bearing the flag ernblctn of their owners is just one of those freaks of natttre and that no credit is duc to the mama. But "NIillie," prouclll' pacing her ceret.nonious rvay through the l\icCormick terminal follorved in single file by the five "M" kittens u'ith tails in air, calnrlr' looks any detractors in the eye anrl challenges them to do better.

llome o\\-ners given preference onlv in extreme

needing lumber ior repair rvork rvill be r:rtings to assist them in obtaining lttmber enlergency cases, WPB advises.

Fire ct Menlo Pcrrk

I)an-rage n,as estirnated at $30,000 in a fire u'hich destrol'ed the planing rnill of George F. Cleese Lumlter & Milln'ork Co., Nfenlo Park, Calif., and damaged the adjacent Peninsula Iluilding N{aterials Co., August 3.

News Items

R. Nf. C--ross, ()\\,ner Iteno, Ner'. n'as in Sar.r his firm.

r-,f the Nevada Lun.rber Company, Francisco recently on business for

H. F. Vinceut, vice pre-siclent and general urauager, E. K. Wood Lunrber Co.. San Francisco, has spent the past several 'rveeks at the coml>any's mill and logging operatiorls at Reedsport, Ore.

Earl Carlson. Santa Fe back at his clesk August 7 tional Park. Calif.

l,urnber Co., San Francisco, t'as fronr, r'acationing in Lassel.r Na-


" We have used thousands of feet of Schumite Laminated Plank on various housing projecrs, as well as other Government projects, in lieu of wood sheathing.

material being fire proof, and for wood sheathing, a considhas been effected. For some need of just such a produc,


therefore, it is without reservation rhat we do not hestitate to recommend Schumite Laminared Plank.

" Wifh our counrry at w^r,we can foresee an even greater demand for Schumite Laminated Plank to speed up construcrion of. vital milirary a.nd housing projects requiring immediate use, as well as continued use in post-war construcrion."

Full Specifications Ilpon Your Requesl

Augu.t 15, 1944 Pogc 7 . : : _, 1:'rrut_;\:{i..-,",ii,l*ffi,,,_ ine it' :t^tltt]r*ot b een ,{eroble
ettectet" -a-- ."rf
:::.'l] r prode
Go$srsre'- Soy-
-MACDONALD & KAHN INC. General Contractors, San Francisco, Calif B. F. Modglin, Vice-Pres., General Mgr.
" ln "ddirion to this an excellent substitute erable saving in cost years sre have felt the TON LV RE WAR BONDS
PI.ANK .. Seryes Them Besf!

Dear God, we humbly ask that Thou will bless Each boy, each man, as outward he must go; Endow each gallant heart with health and strength' The faith he needs, the grit to meet the foe' Wherever he may be in all the world

Please comfort him, and take him by the hand And guide him thru the dangers he must face For victo,ry-and our beloved land. And for the lonely loving hearts at home

Endow on them, please God, we also pray, Ability to smile and carrY on To do without complaint their task today.

,c * *-Hilda Butler Farr.

All wars are caused by what Elbert Hubbard used to call '1the seven Hag Sisters"-fear' doubt, hate, jealousy, indifference, disdain, and disease.

General Von Moltke said: "Every war is a national calamity, whether victorious or not.l' And Benjainin Franklin, one of the world's all-time wise naen, said: "There never was a good war or a bad peace'" If you don't agree, you'll have to take it up with Ben. {<**

At the start of World War Two it was the philosophy of Germany that the quickest and surest way to win the cooperation of their smaller neighbors was to slaughter and annihilate them. They robbed without mercy, and persecuted without remorse. Now the time has come when they are searching for some philosophy that will advise them how to get their men and equipment OUT OF those same countries, without having mobs of vengeance screaming at their backs.

After listening to many political speeches of late which would teach far different things, it is still my opinion that this war is being won strictly by our gallant Army and Navy, and by the Am'erican industrialists who have overwhelmed the enemy with their production of war goods' When I write my history of this war I'm not going to waste much space on arm-chair strategists.

What this countr, "..J, ,l . ,r,u" more simple faith in God, and a little less personal egotism and vanity; a little more of the genuine humility that says "Thy will be done," and a little less prideful arrogance and self-adoration; a little less Bureaucracy, "ld *. tl U" more Democracy'

Loyal men are like great trees; so long as they live you will always know where theY stand.

Great men have no envy, no prejudices, no jealously, no vanity, no arrogance. From their true heights, they look calmly down. Their quality is self-evident and needs no army of propagandists.

Numerous times in this column I have recited the ages of most of the great men who made history. All of them were young, from Alexander the Great to Jesus' The aver' age age of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence, was 44 years.

Thebes, once great capital .of Ethiopia was called "Thebes of a thousand gates." In Italy our American troops recently marched through a town that tried to build as many towers as Thebes had gates-and nearly succeeded. The people of San Gimignano during the middle ages spent most of their time building high and ornate towers. They had eighty of them at one time. When this war came on there were just thirteen of them left and these, they say are gone now'

Another town in Italy our men swept past rings a familiar note in the mind of every American schoolboy' The town is Chiusi, but they used to call it Clusium in the old days. Remember in the famous poem about how Horatius held the bridge, the poet said that-

Lars Porsena of Clusium, By the nine gods he swore, That the great house of Tarquin Should suffer **tl.* no more.

Power is always dangerous, because man is fallible' And the more power you place in the hands of any man, and the longer you leave it there, the more plainly does his fallibility manifest itself.

The more a man ,."ri, i.rrJ*., the more he doubts' Never forget that, when judging men' Ignorance bawls' Wisdom speaks falteringly. Beware oI the man who not only knows, but who knows he knows, for verily, nine out of every ten times, he knows*little.

The gruffness of a soldier frequently covers the softest heart. One of the gruffest men in our history was General U. S. Grant. Yet Grant, finding the angel of death at his side, insisted that his body should be laid in no spot where his wife-when her turn came-could not sleep beside him'

Any postwar industrial plan that fails to seek more and more production of necessities, for more and more people, (Continrred on Page 10)

* *
* *
,: * ,<
t( rF


(Continued from Page 8) at lower and lower cost-belongs in the limbo of useloss tbings.

I have no quarrel with any man for differing with me politically any more than I have for preferring blondes while I admire brunettes. Neither have I great respect for a man who is intolerant of the other fellow's political beliefs. I may not admire his judgment; but I will uphold with dl my power his right to own and exercise it.

* {3 rN3

It was Brand Whitlock who uttered the oft-repdated ' philosophy that "when you define Liberty, you limit it; and when you limit 't, yoJ destroy it."

Election years :ue circus time for screw-balls. Just as a c,ircus parade brings the curious out to look, so does the political season bring forth elements of civilian life never aeen or heard of at any other time. The wise words of the conservative thinker will be made to mingle with the idiosyncrasies of neuropathics, the vociferousness o,f the latter seeking to drown out the logic of the former. Which is as it should be; for election year is a great American institution that distinguishes us from any other people on earth. ***

Speaking of politics, the best wise-crack of recent weeks was bandied around the rebent Democratic convention in Chicago. When the President's letter was published, faintly praising Vice President Wallace, some wag remarked: . "That letter cut Wallace's throat-below the belt." ***

Joe E. Montague, Fort Worth cattleman, recently testified before the House Banking Committee in Washington that an official of Texas OPA Cattle-Division asked him: "Do you still have male and female steers in Texas?" He said he had witnesses to the incident. He told the Committee, "OPA doesn't have anybody down there who knows anything about live stock."

Sometimes when I look at pictures of splendidly-garbed, military-looking, impressive men who appear every inch officers, I think of Eugene Baldwin's description of General Stonewall Jackson. Baldwin was editor of the Peoria (Illinois) Star in Civil War days, and was a Yankee and a friend of Lincoln. This is how he, as an eye witness, described

Jackson: "Jackson wore an old ragged suit. tie .risor o# hi. ""p rested on the bridge of his nose. He motlnted alfr old, scrawny and sorrowful horse." Such'was the appear-.. j ance of a man who has been described by unbiased mititafft history as one of the great military leaders and one of the,il greatest fighters of all time.

History says the following Civil War story is true. to:i me it is mighty good. A certain Col. Fisk, of Missouti;:ii raised a volunteer regiment, and made every man agr@', that he, the Colonel, should be allowed to do all the swear-'irii ing for the regiment. In short, swearing was forbidden. i One of Fisk's teamst€rs got tangled up with a team Qf,J' balky. mules on a muddy road, and he cu,<sed those mules something terrible. News came to the Colonel and the'i teamster was called before him. The Colonel said to him: i "Didn't you. agree to let me do all the swearing for the regr-,ii ment?" The teamster said: "Yes, Colonel, I did, but the ,'i fact is that the swearing had to be done right then or not:,.i at all and you weqen't there to tend to it, so I had to do lt'';,i

"He was the most gallant soldier, officer, and gentleman';: f have ever known, and I make no exceptions." Thus spoke Major General R. O. Barton, Cornmander of the Unitedi States Fourth Division. He was speaking of the late Geni; eral Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., who died of e'xhaustion ihli Normandy recently. What a man that younger Roosevelt'.'1 must have beent Not more than a r4onth ago I heard a ro''. turned American doughboy who served under him, telling'ii tall stories about this Roosevelt; said he was "the fightingrl; est damn officer in any trrnay.'l He was in truth a natriril..'l born soldier, lived it, loved it. His epitaph should be thosc* immortal words of Wordsworth: "This is the Happy War;"r rior; this is he that every man in arm-s should wish to be." IIe was the typical American; as much so as his father-',l;i President Teddy Roosevelt-was before him.

Direction 12 to Order L335

WPB rules that lumber required for approved privatelyi; financed housing'must be authorized by the Federal Houqr'; ing Administration before purchase orders can be certifie*; under the Lumber Control Order L-335. (Direction 12 trij Order L-335), issued lttly 28.

;.,:f i:,.itlr: :.1r. :.:i 4l'."i ;" r
*- * * ::i
suDD[tf & GlmsrEllsoil, II{G fu.mber and Shippingt 7th Floor, Alcrskc Commercitrl Bldg., 310 Scrnsome Street, Scgr Frcmcisco

Build post-utar aolume by featuring the Factri-Fit line of Douglas Fir Interior Doors

Now available only for essential building, Douglas Fir Doors will be ready again when

needs are

THE famous long-lasting, be- I autiful doors of durable Douglas fir are now available with new FACTRI-FlT features that builders like. They save time and labor on the job

-56vi6g5 that more than offset the slight additional cost. Plan now to offer these improved precision-built doors.

Basic 3-Panel Designs Make These the All-Purpose Doors

Attractive 3-panel designs are included in the stock line of Douglas Fir Interior Doors. These are basic, all-purpose designs-ideally adaptable to all types of building.

Augurt 15, 1944 Pogc ll
for catalog showing the line of Douglas Fir lnterior Doors, and new specialty items.

filV 6la,,tonik Stoul . .

BV lecA Siatua

Agc not guaranteed---Some I havc told Jor 20 year---Some Less

Seasick Soldier Stories

Strange to relate, none of the stories I have read or heard so far in the present war have to do nrith seasick soldiers' Duiing World War One some of the very best stories of the soldiers-stories that fairly rocked the country-were seasick stories. Here are some samples of those I published and told during the last war.

No Wecrkness

The troop ship struck very rough water, and the rail was lined with seasick soldiers. One boy wai so violently ill that a Sergeant nearby walked over' sylnpathetically, and putting his hand on the shoulder of the sufrerer said:

. "Soldier, you must have a weak stomach."

"Weak, hell!" said the sick one. "I'm throwing it as far as anybody."

His Choice oI Sights

A colored soldier lay below in his bunk on the troop ship, desperately seasick. He had been that way for days. A friend rushed down to him and shouted:

Mexiccrn Scrles oI Flexwood qnd Flexglcss Increcse

Moiern design is very popular among Mexican architects of "the new generation" who are participating in the current building boom in that country, according to a report received from "Mexico Europa, S. A.", Mexican representative of the United States Plywood Corporation. Mexicani sales of Flexwood and Flexglass, decorative materials made and sold jointly by The Mengel Company and U. S. Plywood, have shown a large percentage increase in recent months, according to George Selden, manager of the division.

"Come on up on deck, quick, Mose! I wants to show you '; a whale !"

"Go 'way, boy, I aii't comin"' said Mose' t'An' don't call me ergin till you kin show me a POSTOAK TREE " ***

A Seasick PrcrYer

A colored soldier was so seasick he was certain he was' going to die, and some of his mates hait jokingly told hin fre friA very little chance to live. So he rolled out of his ' bunk, and knelt down on his knees on the foor, and those' near-by heard this soulfril prayer rising to the Throne 'j above:

"Oh, Lawd, mos' folbs keep astin' you fo' things dl de;d time. I ain't nevahtsted You fo' nuthin' befo' an',ifln Youi{:;; he'p me dis time I promises nevah t'ax You fo' nuthinl: "rgirr, but I needs he'p right now, Lawd, an' I needs h'it badlji so come on down, Lawd, an' he'p dis po' niggah befo' hq done goes daid! An'not only come' Lawd, but come SOONI r An', O Lawd! If You'all cain't come Yo'se'f, please Lawdl' SEND ONE O'YOU' SPEEDIES' ANGELS!''

C. tt Hcndo Pcrcilic Cocrst Visitor

C. H. Hando, marlaging director of George Hudson Pty,',,,,i Limited, Sydney, Australia, is renewiag old friendships in')', the lumber industry on a visit to the Pacific Coast. He ''' spent some time on this coast in 1936 and his company is i well known, especially to the sawmills catering to the "*- ": port trade. .: i;

Mr. Hando, together with R. J. Parish and A. J. Thomas, ';: Assistant Timber Controller of the Australian Common'. ";; wealth, came to this country as an official Commission '. seeking to improve the supply of Pacific Coast lumber":'i required in Australia for war needs. l

Pogc 12 aa
* {. :r
WHOLESALD Sash Dooru Millwork Panelg -: Wall Borrd CAUFORNIA 700 eh Avcnuc, Oakland Hleate 6016 BI'IIDERIS SUPPLY CO. 19th & S Stc. Sacrrment'o t-0788

Fifty-one Years of Reliable Service


Wholesale Lumber

The abor-e candicl photographs \\rere taken by Warren Hoyt at l-os Angeles lloo-l.loo gtll{ tottrnament held at the Oakmont Cottntrl. Clult, Glendale, on Jtiy 25, and shorvs some of the rnenrbers of the cornmittee that rvere in charge of the arrangements.

In the picture on the left, I',olt Osgood itrr<l Harvey Koll are l'orking out the handicaps for the s'olfe rs' Orrin \\rright rvas in charge of the finatrces, atrcl frotrr his hapllv ex-

In the picture on the right, Dee E,sslev is leacling the grorlp in songs rlurilrg the tlinner hour, ancl appears to be in fine voice. Frank I'ark, vicegerent snark of the San Diego district, was a guest of the club.

Sixty-five played golf in the afternoon, and 125 r'vere Dresent for the dinner and entertainmetlt in the evening.


Termincl S4g" Bldg., Pojllcrnd 5, Oregon feletype No. PD 54

Douglcs FfuSpruceHemlockCedcr

Ponder6sa and Sugrar PineDouglcrs Fir Piling

i9 Ycars Continuousty Serving Retail Yards and Railroads

Los Angeles RePresentative EASTMAN LUMBER SALES

Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15 PRosPed 5039

Richfield ttuottn "lephone MUtucrl 2r3r Los Angeles SPECIALIZING
LeIi to right: Orrin Wright. Bob Osgood <rnd Hcrvey Koll. Left to right: Roy Stcrnton, Bob Osgood, Fronk Pcrrk, Dee Essley' Ed Bouer (Ed wos qlmost crowded out), cnd Ed Martin. pression, it is cviclcnt that the "take" more than olTset the expen:ie s.


The Test of Time Tells the Story

Right ftom the start, Ross Carriers and Lift Trucks earn for their owners-gain valuable time+peed handling in scores of ways. But the lasting proof of their value comes from veteran Ross feet owners such as West Side Lumbet Company, of Tuolomne, California.

For years this progressive mill has relied upon Ross equip_ ment for handling their large volume of Sugar pine, ponderosa Pine and Vhite Fir lumber.

AJld now-when equipment must stand up as never before, Ross reliability is paying added dividends to owners through extra service under today's trying conditions. fnclude dependable Ross equipment in your post-war plans. Write for Bulletin LM-S4.

Augusr 15, 1944 _.1 Pogc 15
Mechcnized Hcndling meoog Ross Cqrriers cnd LiIt Trucks here qt "West Side's" big Sierrc Mills.

Opens Wholcsale Lumbet Olftce In Los Angeles

F. A. "Pete" Toste started in the wholesale lumber business ior himself on August 1, operating as the Toste Lumber ComPanY. His office is at 326 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles, the telephone number is PRospect 76O5. He will handle Douglas Fir and Redwood.

For the Past five Years' Pete has been Southern California manager for Kilpatrick & ComPanY and Rockport Redwood Co. at Wilmington. Prior. to that he was connected with the wholesale lumber business in l-ot Angeles for five years' He is a graddate in Forestry from the UniversitY of Montana'The company will act as sales agent for W' Paul Clarke of Eugene, Ore., and the Parelius Lumber Co' of Portland' Ore.

Miss Laura geles lumber

Larsen, who is well known to the Los Antrade, will be in charge of the office

Studies Postwar Progrrm 'of: Education

A'continuing program of education designed to equ4-1! lumber dealers to meet postwar demands is being stUdied;l.i] by the National Retail Lumber Dealers Association,.Wash:i'iJ ington, D. C. l:i, .,'L

"We are going back to the fundamentals," 1{' R' Northlp:;,i:i secretary oi the Association, announced in explaining the-"-i'l studies. "We hope to do a 'brass tack' job; not a ballyhoo'1',' job. ,

i'Th. war," he said, "has pretty well stripped the yards '-'r of experienced personnel. A program oI education for'new f.'i e-ployee", and the re-education of old hands, must be set, i; up if lumber yards are torserve the public adequdtely ig r':' the-postwaf era." '1

It is not contemplated, however, to merely set up a post- .: war informative system to catch the first flush of bus!: .' ness; rather it is the purp.ose of the Association to establish a continuing program that can be adjusted to changing conditions.

"Our president, Leonard Lamfrert, Jr., of St' Paul, '::: Minn.," stated Secretary Northup, 'ihas said that what w :i want to do is to spend our money wisely for the good :i; of the whole industry. We want to wirrk out a programl'. that can be permanently with us and not just a postwar,:'; measure, but a program timed with postw4r constiuction'i;l and continued and adjusted to working conditions as they : develop.

l{i ?or., 15
tl''-l , ,.''i,:
F. A. "Pete" Toste
HAMMOND LUMBER COMPANY / MANI,TACTtIRERSoTDIAIVIoND.IIBRAT.{DREDwooD CALIFORNIA REDWOOD Nqllt crt Samocr cnd Eurekcr, Cclilornicr CATIFORNIA REDUOOD DISTRIBUTORS TTD. Pure Oil Building CHICAGO, IIJINOXS Menbes-cclilonric Bcdrood A$ociation- Bgdwood ExPort CotaPott PBospcct 1333 LOS ANGELES 2010 So''Altnedc St YES SIR! wtrolEltAl.Ens ol DouElca Fu Ponderoaq 6 Sugcr Pine Cedq G Eedwood Shingles Cedcr Poler Fir PlYwood Doorr The pic'ture oI things to come F beginning to cs;; tr,,*i"toLobb Jigns oI earlier victories in ogr Tfli"{il soon or too lcrte to think in terms or postwar business plcns cnd policies' Ar K ITS O T. S T I'TZ GO DI PAIuY 112 MARKBT STRBBTGtufcld !!9?SAN FRAIIGISCO --ictRi-L{NtoFFicE' Los ANGBLBS oFFrcts: -CiOa S.W.-S*linglnc 628- Petroldn Bldg' -'-ei*"t"t Zee6PRocPect 4341 TBLBTYPB NO. S. 8.2'O EI'T WTB sf,vMc's BOITDS f,ND strtrPt


Ior Post-Wqr Builders

LONG LIFE-Red Cedor Shingles cre endowed by ncture with nqturcl preservoiive quclilies which insure long lile,. low upkeep,

COMFORT-Double-coursed Red Cedcr Shingles on the sidewqlls give your home extrc protection,. extrcr insulqlion; extrc comlort.

STYLE-Red Cedcr Shingles cre cdcptqble to cny style oI architecture. Their cppecrqnce is clwcys neci, trim cnd "homey."

ECONOMY-Red Cedar Shingles <rre edsy to cpply; recsoncble in cosl, qnd require q minimum oI upkeep <rs the yecrs go by.



Augurl 15,1944 Pogc 17
IT WAS GOOD NEWS for the men in our armed forces when they heard of the success of the sth war l-roan drive.
I-ret's encourage them further by buying more War Bonds and keeping those we have.
San Francisco Portland Ios Angeles

The QucrlitY oI the SPirit

There are some people who have the quality of richness and joy in them and them communicate it to everything they touch. It is first of all a physical quality, and then it is a quality of the spirit. It is probably the richest resource of the spirit; it is better than all formal learning, and it cannot be learned, although it grows in power and richness with living. It is full of wisdom and repose, since the memory and contrast of pain and labor are in it'

People who have this energy of joy and delight draw other people to them as bees are drawn to ripe plums' Most people have little Power for living in themselves, they are pallid and uncertain in thoughts and feelings, and they think they can derive strength-the richness and the character that they lack-from one of these vital and decisive pebple'

. Wrong Guy

A man rushed into a bar and excitedly asked the bartender if he knew anything that lvould stop a bad case of triccoughs.' His answer was a slap across the face with a wet bar towel. Furious, he demanded to know what the hell the bartender meant? The bartender said: i'Well, have you noticed you. are not hiccoughing any more?" The stranger said: "Nuts! I didn't have any hiccoughs when I came in ! It's my wife ! She's sitting out in the car !"

The Modern Version

The curfew tolls the knell of parting day; A line of cars winds slowly o'er the lea; A pedestrian plods his absent-minded way; And leaves the world quite unexpectedly.

Question crnd Answer

Question: "A. motorist was 100 yards from an open, level railroad crossing, and driving 50 miles an hour. A train is also approaching this same crossing at 70 miles an hour, and is 35b feet from the intersection. The question is, did the motorist get across?" , "

Answer: "Yes, the motorist did get a cross. His wife bought it out of his insurance money."

Another Pentcgon Gcg

A young lieutenant recently was assigned to the Army General Staff in a secretarial capacity. Curiosity developed in the Pentagon workers when much of his mail came addressed to him as "Major.". He explained: "When I taught at VMI, I held a rnajority in the Virginia Militia, unorganized."

Shortly afterward his steno was heard telling some of the other girls about it. She said: "He's not really a lieutenant. He's a major in the Confederate Army, disorganized."


Whcrt Duce Forgot


An Italian prisoner of war was farmed out and working'': on a peanut ranch in the South. The ranch owner got to'i talking to him one day, and asked him what Mussolini had;' promised him when he joined the Italian army. T!9 you4g'i ;:

"I{e promised me that I would soon be marching acroig:i the United States. What he forgot to tell me was frat {'.} would have to pick peanuts as l.march€d."

lte Rocrd to Wqr

The road to town is young with spring' And brave with new green grasses' And how my heart goes venturing, With every lad that Passes !

For here my lover left so gaY, And on his lips was laughter, But I-I turned my head a\ilay, I couldn't follow after.

Tho gypsy heart to gypsy heart, I've shared his every by-waY, His roads and kisses-O ! To Part On,such a golden highwaY!

Buy now he's gone the road to town, O God! The lilhc's bloomingAnd from the town the shiPs go down To where the guns are booming.

The road to town is young with spring, And green with new green grasses; O, lad, my heart goes venturing, with each of you that passes.

No Horn Blowingr Allowed

One Sunday morning when the F'irst Baptist Church'ir: Colored, was heiding services, a big colored woman ap-:ii peared at the door who was conspicuously carrying one of";i those old-time ear trumpets; a big, black, twisted instru:''rr ment such as were common two generations back. Shc.' walked into the main door and stood looking around,.' searching for a vacant seat. ;;

The head deacon, whose job it was to find seats fo-'n'i* strangers, appraised her as a visitor from the country, aniil: carne over to help her find a seat. Then he noticed the eafj' trumpet, which was something €ntirely new in his experi; ence. He eyed it most suspiciously. Then his sense of:, duty carne to his rescue' and he said: I

"bis way, Lady, and I'll fine you a seat. But listen, Sld. tuh! Dis heah am a place o' quiet wusshipl One tod oqi dat hawn, an' out You got"

"i, 1.i
': il


is a slogan of which we have been very proud for a period of many years.

And when the war clouds clear away you will find us f eaturing this slogan in our advertising as prominently as ever before.


is the most critical oI cll war mqtericrls.

This lcrct explcins in c few words the continued pressure on the mills lor grecter production lor wqr needs.

Augurr 15,1944 Pcgc li
2014 E. lsrh St. Los Angeles 55 PRospect 616l
SEATTIE, WASH. Pier B EUiotr 4630 PORTLAND, ORE. McCormick Termincrl ATwcrter 916l EUGENE, ORE. 209 Tificny Blds. EUgene 2728 Aeriql
POPE & TALBOT, tNC., LUMBER DIVISION 461 Mcrrket Street, Scn Frcncisco, DOuglcs 256l tOS ANGETES 714 W. Olympic Btvd. PRospect 8231 I"
view oI the present Port Gcrmble, Wash,, mill,


available now only for essential war use, will be even a bigger profit line for retail lumber dealers in the postwar period than it was before the war. This will be due to the accumulated needs, and to the greatly expanded number of uses for this material.

Mailing Ad,dress: P. O. Box 2096, Tenurrver. AxNrx LOS ANGELES 54, CALIFORNIA

"PERtllAl{El{Tn' and "W00D" hake a good tell@ conbination

Many a man in the Army and Navy will be bringirg home f,avorable opinions of wood construction. For our service men.rre seeing how well Wobnanized Lumber* behaves in barracks, warehouses, loading pl,afforms and the like, where conditions are conducive lo decay and termite attack.

When military demands ease, this vacuumpressure treated wood will be made available for civilian construction. Treated at plants conveniently located throughout the country, &stribution will again be through regular trade channels. For data on Wohnanized Lumber, write American Lu-ber & Treating Company, 1648 McCormick Building, Chicago 4, Illinois.

955-967 sourrr ALAMEDA srREEr Telephone TRinity W57
rBegirtered trade muls

Fir Door Manufacturers Introduce New Construction Featu

Irtrltrovinu still itrrtlrt'r- l)otrglas lir <loors, $'hich long har-e been rnanuflrcturcrl urr<ler u. S. c.onrnlcrcial Stlrn<l lrrds oI qualitr., flr r'loor mlrkcrs lto\\' are introtltrcilrg [actorl' fit:trrcl nrachinetl closurcs as stock ilrtcrior dool's'

.fhe Prelit ieature irrtrodrrcccl irr the lirre ri{ iteavv 1li inc-h erttrtincc cloors iu 1939 ancl the sttcccss of this ir.rnor-atiou stlggeste(l expancling the prtlgrarn to incluclc the entire line oi hottse tloors.

The-se doors. rather than being rltaclc olcrsizc to be harrrl-trin]mecl ()n thc job, are crlt t0 exact clinrensions bv


f,1:Lnrrfactrrrcrs realize that ail cloors rvill not liave tubullrr locks und that in r.nlrtr1'cilscs llrore expensir-c hardu':rrc, rcclrtiring special machining o{ the door, 'r"'ill be clernarr<letl. For hontcorvrters tlesiring such speciai u'ork' unru:rchinecl doors u-ill, of cortrse, lre alailalr'le' 'lo pernrit hanging of the cloor to srvir.rg cithcr to the lcit or right, the factorr'-mortise for hinges rvill not be conrpletc. Rathcr, a narro\\' strip of stile t'i11 be left at eithcr eclge of the nrortise ; one edge u'ill lle letnovcd bv thc carpenter before placing the hinge.

Old qnd New-Right: Ccrpenter trims oll "horns" Irom door purposely iol"-tl"r"i"e to -crllow fitiittg= to inexcrct oPenings on the iob., Lelt: A prelit door lits lrame wilhout sdwing Crnd Plqnrng, mcY De Doreq ;;[';;rtt*; iot io"t " crnd beveled loi hinges' Applving hcrrdware is therelore <r simple opercrlion'

precisi<irr tnachiuerr-atlcl are reaclr'to hang u'hett therlcave the 111x5,-s-prodttction cloor factories"

I)re-fittittg nlearls savirlg of llrbor irl harrgitrg ancl therefor.e slteccls corrstructirltt. \lore irrrPortatrt, brrilclefs anrl horne on-ncrS are lt-sttrtrl irrl'l lrcltlt-r' :ttt11 tl:txittrlrrll rrtilitv of thc <loot' u'hctr irr 1llace

ComPlete Machining Now Available

Thc nracl-rirring of stot:li rloorS is tron :Llso oItcrt tlotic :tt thc iltctorr' 'l'his r,r'ortlcl irlcltrtlt'llorittg.l'tttortisitl.-. f'rt'

Iocl<s rLrrtl gairting or rotltillg frlr l'rirrgcs'

Whilc lroth tlrc Ire littirrg itlttl ttt:icltittillg .i the irrteri,r rloors is tros'rlotrc ottl-r'trl spcciai or<1cr, it is thc ttltimate objectir.e, :iccorrlitrg trl \,V. I.]. I)il|ortl. trr:rtr:Lging clircctrlr of Fir Door lnstitrrtc. industrv trlrdc prrttrotiottltl orgarlization' ttl 'lrrirlg .rtt ;i lil'rc rtI< Pre-lit llntl trlrtcllitle 'l tioors.

Consiclerablc rc-*earch irrrcl studv h:rs bcen givcrr t lr"' problem of stanclarclizetl tlimcnsiotrs f or pre-litting and for ltoring, mortising anci gaining. Cooperation \\.ith {rame mauttfacturers u'orrl11 inclicatc tl.rat ,.,o ir.,..rp".oble clifEculties rvill be ctrcounteretl ir-r pre-littir.rg to $.iclth ancl lensth, althotlgh tl'rickncss of finish floor cor'erings clctern.rines \.hctl.rer or 11()t as ttnivcrsallv applicltltle no\\-tr-c it mat- be in frrture rvher.r tlle arll'erlt;iges of stantlarclization har-e filtered throngh to al1 f:rr.:tors in the builcling trarlc.

Applvinq lock to premqchined, prelit Douglcrs lir dool. Here doors qre L-ff;i;J'{"t hinqes belore lecving the lcrctory. and mcy be morlised ;;il;; l"t locfs. Survey shows volume house-markel is in bored-in rYPe ol stcrndqrd lubulcrr lock'

_\rr txpurrde<l proriloti0nltl ltrogram has l-retrt rtntlert:ilictt ltl.the manuiitctttrcrs t(l introtlttce thc cloors right iloN er,cn though at ltresent thcir Prtlduct is availalrlc onll' for rvar rrccrls :tnrl csscnti:rl ltrriltlirrg. Irull pagc :ttlYcrtiscrnerlts .in lruil<1cr trncl clc:tlcr prrblications:irc:I i)xrt "I tlte cotrtinuins PrOmOtion. '\lrcaclv, buil<lcrs of sizallle hotrsing lrrt.rjccts lroth private zrrrcl ltublic-'h:tve tttrnecl to thc fullr'ril:rclrinerl rl()ors rtot only Ior ecollolllV lrrrt for :Il)l)earallcC r.altt e.

Modern Door Designs Featu,red

l"('iLttlr-c(l irl t1-rc catnpaign are tnotlertr three-panel de' sigrrs rr0t onlv hartnotrize r','ith prcscnt r1a1' architecturc lrut also contriltute to nell' decorative tl-remes of rentoclelerl homcs. Itr tune u,ith the tiurcs, the Iiir door manufacturers hope to interest distributors antl clealer,s in :r starrrlarrlization and simplification program rvhich $'ili offer ltettcr clesigr]s zrrchitecturally in somervhat ferver sizes ancl fen'er tlotr-essential layout variations'

Sliding Doors Again

At thc satnc tit'ue the Dotrglas fir door industrl i-s readl'(Cor-rtinnecl on Page 24)








PORTTAM CEMENT, all orher types




cotonED STttccos, BRUSHCOAT

t IM E P U T TY, LIME, cll rypes











Lumber crnd wood products must keep moving to globcil Ironts. Railrocrds cre being extended into new tracts oI timber to supply logs lor Red River's mill cnd Icctories ct Westwood. Selective logging cnd lire protection qre continuing policies with Bed River in spite oI the pressure ond dilficulties oI wcrrtime operction.


Solt Ponderoscr cnd Sugcr pine




Augud 15, l9l4 Po5c ftf
DIAMOND CORPORATION 1650 South Alcmedcr Street, Los Angeles, Cclifonricr Phone PRospect 4242
Avenue pbone Long Beccb 656-329
Rognan Photo
I?ADE MANT 702 E. Slcugon Ave. MEMBEN
Pccific Buildiug
;Nff -",fJT::::J,',X: &*a-fuelw,(

Port Orford Cedar

(Alro Lnown as White Cedar or Lqweon Cyprere)

Lumber Ties Crossing PlqnksDecking Tunnel TimbersVeneticrn Blind Stock


AIASKA CEDAB (qlso Lnown cs Yellow Cedcr or AlcaLc CIPresE)


IGB t.rrb "Hfftif","ffi"isco 4. ccr'


Wholesale to Lumber Yards


Gasements - Doors, etc.

Our usucl lree delivery to Lumber Ycrds curywhere in Southern Calilornicr'

ilfLEY BR0S. -. SAIIIA ltl0lllGt

Los Angeles Phone: AShleY 4'2268

Santcr Monicc Phones: 4'32984'3299


Ponderosa Pine

Sugar Pine

Douglas Fir

White Fir


382 Moncdnock Bldg.


Phone GArfield 7196

Fir Doors

- (Continued from Page 22) .,;i ing to market again the Sav-A-Space Sliding Door, whic["; was first introduced by the members of Fir Door InstitUte.ii

shortly before the outbreak of war. With new and improi'e{rp track, the sliding door assemblies will f,e available for"5 dealer stocks. in from 6O to 90 days. ,'],

The door makers produce the framework, including a,l header in which there is track lor overhead rollers carrf: l ing the door. This complete' assembled framework, with hanger hardware in place, is 5et up in distributors' warc'-'i houses and is sold through the lqmber dealer all over thq'i United States. The lumber dealer furnishes a standanl: l/s-inch door from his stock in any design specified.. :

The framework fits any standardZx4 wall and is coverti4rr by the wall material, and the assembly receives all l/$1 inch doors.

'New Hardwood Running Track

When the frame is re-introduced, the overhead roller+', will run on a hardwood track for smooth, quiet operatiorl'' Finish hardware for the dooi will be packaged with theli operating hardware as a part of the unit and is ofrered1 in both edge-pull and lock types; plating of the hardwerej,::l will be limited to available materials for the duration; ' 'i

Meanwhile, the anhouncement from the fir door industgi',i, reports, the Crawford Door Company, manufactqrers ofi the hardware for the popular minimum-cost overhead ga.i rage door first introduced in 1938, are improving the de-, sign of the hardware through extensive engineering test':li ing and research. The fir door manufacturers, who produce.4 the wooden units for the Craw-Fir-D-or are also working;$ on new designs and specifications for,the post-war model.- 4 The Craw-Fir-Dor has not been available for the past two*i years, due to unavailability of steel for the self-energizing.l hardware.

The new models, thoroughly tested, will be offered to,:i dealers as soon as possible. Again the door will be sold as';r; a "package" including the simple hardware. And the ex-:j panded facilities of Crawford Door Co. of Detroit, now:: making precision airplane parts,' w{ll be returned to the: making of the hardware. ,t;

The members of the Fir Door Institute include: Acmerl Lg rrlll uuE , nLrttE ,i Door Company, Hoquiam, Wash'; Buffelen Lbr. & Mfg.lj Co., Tacoma, Wash.; M & M Wood Working Co., Port-:,I land, Ore.; Monarch Door & Mfg. Co., Tacoma, Wash.; i Northwest Door Company, Tacoma, Wash.; Robinson Mfg.,r Co., Everett, Wash.; Simpson Logging Co., Door & Ply-'1 wood Div., McCleary, Wash.; Wheeler Osgood Sales Corp.;; Tacoma, Wash. ',r;:'




Norlhcn Cctiloroia Srlxoeltcdvr


llt Mnrtrt Sr., Sa! Fj""e* Tclcphonc YUloo ll80

Sosllora Calllorain Bcproecltctlvr

Boberl S. OrEood

tOa lourl Sptlag Sir..t, to. IEg.t.; folcphoar VAadto

Direction of the merchandising and research ptogt"ml, is in the hands of a management committee made up'ot the officers of the Institute'that meets regularly once a., week. Officers of the group are, president, J. P. Simpsotr, Bufielen Lbr. & Mfg. Co.; vice president, H. E. TenzleA Northwest Door ComPany; secretary, C. T. Eckstront l Monarch Door Company; and, treasurer, N. O. Cruvd Wheeler Osgodd Sales Corp. W. E. Difford is managiryii director of the Fir Door Institute, while F. P. Borden ik-r assistant manager and C. E. Devlin is director of publicil

r: r{a t,. r'ti
O. !c
El f,dronc Br1no.8lsdv. I. G. DECGB
l88tl, Phorn&, Tclophorr Sllll

UIGTl| R Eigh Early Strength PORTIAND GEMENT

Gucrranteed to meet or exceed requirements ol American Society lor Testing Mctericls Speciliccrtions lor High Ecrrly Strength Portlcnd Cement, cs well qs Federcrl Specilicctions lor Cement, portlcnd, High-Ecrly-Sirensth, No. E-SS-C-Z0lc.


(28 dcry hours.)

concreie strengths in 24


(Result oI compound composition and usuclly lound only in specicrl cements designed lor this pur_ pose.)


(Extremely severe auto-clave test results consistently indiccrte prcrcticclly no expcrnsion or contrcction, thus elimincting one oI most dillicult problems in use oI c high ecrrly strength cement.)


(Users' crssurqnce ol lresh stock, unilormity cnd proper results lor concrete.)

Mqnulqctured by


We are ploud of our part in the constluction of these Higgins 36-foot lamp landing boats as they head for enemy beaches in all theatres of this world - wide wor.

Eugene, Oregon

205 Tiflany Blds. Cenlcr for Fir and Pine

Augusf 15, 1944 Pogp ?5
SOUTHWESTERN PORTI,AND CDMIT{T GOMPAIIY qt our Victorville, Cotilornic, "Wet Procegs" Mill. 727 Weal Seventh Street Lor Angeles, Calilgrnic

TmIER, ilEBSTEn & Jollil$ot, llG.

t Montgoncf Sjrcel 1800 Mcrdall f,vc' srNmlNcls@l,cf,uF. STOCtrfON, CALIF.

DOuglcr 2060 SToclton 8'8521


White FrDouglcrs FirIncense Cedcr


Dorrir, Cclilornic White Pires, Cqlitondc North ForL, Cclilonric WestPoint, Cclitonria


Fron tbc Augmt l6rtte.fD,.q,/


Francisco, an Estimating Contest which included ten ques-i tions pertaining to variois items that the retail lgmber salesul; man ii often asked to figure when calling.on his customersi; was won by Mel Salomon. He was awarded a $5 box of'' candy.

Don R. Philips, Los Angeles manager for'the J' B'i Hanify Co., joined the Los Angeles sales force of the Hatt:; Wood Lumber Co. He succeeded Joe Rolando who went tq, San Francisco tcj take over the management oi the Suddctii' Heitman Lumber Co.

W. R. Spalding Lumber Co., Visalia' purchased Alta District Lumber Co. at Lindsay'

Wendell M. Brown succeeded Don R. Philips ager for the J. R. Hanify Co. at Los Angeles'

Plans were under way for a State Hoo-Hoo meeting to be held at Santa Cruz on August 23. The meeting will bq held in conjunction with the directors meeting of the StaG Retail Association and the convention of the Millwork trn:

At a meeting of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San; stitute of California.

"Prospects and Niblicks," an article by Jack Dionne wa;l in this iisue, and covered an interview on the lurnber situa-, tion with A. L. (Gus) Hoover of Los Angeles' ,-

A. B. Garrett was the speaker at the monthly of the San Fernando Valley Lumbermen's Club His subject was Cost Accounting"

meetin$ l' meeting.,{

This issue carried an illustrated article of the Good ber Company at Byron.

Lum--lt'; i

Douglcs Fir Plywood-Rdcommended Bevision 'i Orirecommendition of the Douglas Fir Plywood Assoi

ciation and with the endorsement of the Standing Commic tee, a Recommended Revision of Douglas Fir (Fifth Edition), Commercial Standard CS-45-42, is circulated to the trade for written acceptance.

The major improvernent is the inclusion of the new gradi "Marine Exterior," as covered by paragraph 19. This iq' based on the experience gained. by our armed forces during"i the past two years in the use of plywood for marine appli--{ cations. ,1

R. I. Pcrish Visits Cocst

R. J. Parish, junior partner of L. R. Ltd., Melbourne, Australia, has been on the Pacific Coast. He exPects to latter part of this month.

Parish & Son, Pty visiting old fr

sail for home inthei

Mr. Parish is well known in the sawmill and fraternity. His firm is sales agent in Melbourne patrick & Company, San Francisco.


,tY'111.:q.3f :, jiiri I ; 5 "; i:i t',"f IF';i!T!I'3t" ., .: : *, i, " : ,s
f,TIMBIN.GD. LUMIETMENS IUILDING PORTLAND " OREGON Shipments BY Bcril cnd Ccrgo All SPecies Telepbone TeletYPe BRocrdwcy 3613 Ptld. 167
Ltrc i
4995 L. t. GARR' & CO, diJornio Svger qrd Ponderoza Pine Scrles Agents For SACRAMENTO BOX & LUMBER CO. Milb At Woodleaf, Calif. SACNAMET|TO IOS ANGEI.ES P. O. 8ox 1282 W. D. Dunning --iotctrp. Sc-tS 138 Chcrbcr of Connorcc Eldgt' for IC
Coast Woods
Cedar Pittock Block, Por"tland S, Oregon Representatives Phil Gos8lin R. Irrl Engrtrcad 162l Tidewcter .[,ve. Z4O Brcdbury Drive OAXI.AITD I, CTI.IF. SAN GABilEL CTTUF. f,EUogg 3-2121 f,flcrnric Z-07S1 Chcrler R. West P. O. Box 512 PHOENIL f,RE. Phone 3.0804 SEIANG IITE PNODUCrS OP r lto kGlold tb.r Ltub.s Ccopory IrClcnd, CdIqdc r llo llrrbEll Cooncf 'tra. Olrgc r I* C L trt [! Elnr Arrodq[oa, Fcatod, Orgo
Dtstttlutott ot SHEVLON FINE Rry. U. S. Por. O!. ECUttvt o[ltc8 S nrrr tlctlod t.. l.|. tddbg MINITEAPOIXS, MTNNESOTA Drsf,ttgt ttt83 Ot?rcE8r -NIIW YORK cHtcAGO ''ff"f"l;tTslif 'ffr.ffi-Jl*' rtH' SAN Fn.|NCTSCO to00ffi*tnTLlus. tit Petor$ S["".o" 1* oTB.p*, ro sPEics PONDE8OSA PtrIE (PINUS PONDERGA) SUCIA (Gonutro WLlr.) p[G (PtNt s t.traBEnnrNA) &np*h. TIRITEX Insulating Boatd Ptoducts Building BocrdColorkote TileAcousticcl TiIeColorkote Plcnrk Insulcting tathInsutcting shecthingRoot Insulction Refrigercrtion BloelEs m-T[r 0F tl0RT@l{ OaLIT0RNIA Fn fir 0F souIEERtt cALIFoRI{IA 208 Scnls@c St, Sor Fruucirco { ll2 E Sgih Sbecr fi J[iiJ;I'-' Sutter 2668 ADc,ns gl0l tyHoLEsAtE TUMBER D|STRIBUToRS, tlf(. 'ilonofocturer{ "i fuugla, 9i, &*b* WHOLESALE LUMBER PILING PLYWOOD ' Truck, Car or Cargo Shippers Ninth ;*:ll;,Y'3i.,":":'0, crrif.
Manufacturerg and
of West
Piling and Poles,
Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany

ITMM$AI,N BUII,DIilfi $|]PP[T, ilO.

Wholescle Distributors ol Lumber qnd its Producis iri Ccrlocd Qucnrtities


Wcrehouse Distribution



Dktribunrs ol

Pacific Coast , Forest Products

Los ANGELES Douqlas Fir PoRTIif,ND ?tr *o'o*H&rE'd. uemtoct r2trlsopd.ldbs #l*"

Ross C. Iashley Cedcr Bich G. Bobbine

Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Dinner

and Concat Sept. 8

Geoffrey F. Morgan,r,; manager of the Speakerslt'i Bureau of the Douglas Air:.i craft Company, Santh! Monica, Calif,, will be th€ii; guest speaker at the Lo'sd Angeles Hoo-Hoo Clubj:., dinner and concatenatiofi':'t which will be held at the -;l University Club, 614 South': Hope Street, Los Angeles;* Friday evening, SePteml',i ber 8. His subject will be;:

"The Shape of Wings tor:"$ Come."

Mr. Morgan is an out::', standing lecturer who Po.;- i sesses both an engaging'.,

musical entertainment. The concatenation will be held foll HOGATI





Sincc 1888


2nd d Alice S!s., Oaklcmd

Glcncourt 8881


Deelcrr in Forcst Producte

Douglcrs Fir-Redwood Cedar-SPruce

Genercl Office

Crocker Bldg., Stm Frcncisco 4, Calil.

Southeto Calilonic Office cncl Ycrrd

l2l0 BIiDD [ve', Witningrton, Cclil., P. O. Bo* 5{8

lowing dinner and a fine class of Kittens is being tig"99 ti up. Alplications for,membership may be obtained by calling Vicegerent Snark Dee Essley, the'telephone numbeli is ANgelus 2-1183.



,- :. .. .. ,;

A disflay iiaturing Cdlo-Siding has been made availablq by The Celotex Corporation, Chicago. The display has"4 double easel back, is'l6xl7 inqtres in size, can be used for' either counter or windou,, and 'b,lank spaces. have been leffi. so the dealer may fill them in with pricej as they applf! locally.

Celo-Siding rvas used extensively for war construction,: and since these war needs have decreased, production fa-+ cilities which lvere stePPed up to meet.the governme'nt's.'' demand are now able to provide it for civilian uses. , -'

It is particularly suitable for farm construction such as brooder houses, laying houses, hog houses, lambing pensiri milk'houses, and crop storage buildings. Celo-Siding ha:j a high insulation value, and it requires no painting becauseji of its exterior finish.

leterpretcrtion 3 to CMP Regulction 9A

Aftir August 1, repairmen placing orders for lgmber cluired on construction jobs must be certified either agents for persons employing them or have such certifytheirlumberorders,theWPBadvises.

fnplebar 6964-5-6 Ocklcnd, Ccdil
Wholescle Building SuPPlies Ior the Dealer Trcrde Telephone '
32nd st
{ 1i9


populcrtion now. only New york cnd pennsylvanic have more peqple. we believe thcrt much oI this new growth will remcdn, and will be cnr cdditioncl fcc'tor in stqbilizing the retcril lumber business here lor yecrs to.come.

:fpr||lt l+ lgaa . HALLINAN IIACKIN TUMBER CO. Successors to Hcllincn Mcclcin Co., Ltd. Distributors of sugcr d Ponderosc Pine o Douglas Fir o sitkcr spruce o plywood HOME OFTICE AIID YARD 725 Second St SAN TRANCISCO 7 DOuglcs l94l o Box Shook o Aseenbled Boxer SO. CAIIFORMA OFFIC,E Elner Willi.,,ns, Mgn ll7 West Ninth St tOS ANGEI^ES 15 TRinity 9641 \qaadr, "l t/* Uaafu" {> Your Guarantee for Quality and Service E K. WOOD I.IIMBER GO. LOS ANGEI.ES 51 l7l0 So. Alcnedc St IEficrron Slll SAN FRANCISCO II I Drunrn SL EXbrook 3710 OASI.AITD 6 2lll FrcdericL St. tElloss 2-l2n HOBBS WAtI. IUIITBER GO. 105 Montgomery Street, Scn Frcncisco { Telephone GArlield ZZS2 Digtsibuton ol REDWOOD TUDTBDR SAIEi AGED|E FOB Ttre Scgre Lcnd & Improvement Co., Wilits, Calil. Sclnon Creek Redwood Co., Becrtrice, CaliL Iot lagctor Sdcr O6co 625 Borcn Btdg. Tcloltcnr lBhlt, lOS
OAKIJINID Main Ofice and Yardr Dennicon St Vharf Phone ANdover tO77-tO7E FRESNO Dictributing Yard First St. & Plaa Ave. Phonc Fresno }-ggt,

Up and Down the State

Al Nolan, Western sales manager, Thc I'acihc l-ttmller Company, San Francisco, has returt.recl from silctlcling his vacation in Lake CountY, Calif'

Ed Tietjen, salesman for Sudden & San Francisco, was llack on the jolr rveeks' vacation at Camll Ilose, on the I{ealdsburg, Calif.



: Christenson, Inc., Jull' 31 from two Ittrssiarr I{iler, r'rear

Don E. Coveney, sales mallager' Atkinson-Stutz Co', San Francisco, le{t Augnst 4 to spend several lveeks calling on the mills in Northern California ancl Oregon'

Nlartin W. I'arelius itrrtl his friend, Whitney Olson, :rr.rrl their f atrtilies recetltlv spent tl.rree u'eeks' vacation together at Aetna Springs, I-ake Countl', Calif' Mr' Parelius is or,vner of Parelius Lun.rber Co., I'ortland, Ore', and Mr' Olson is a member of the steamship firm of C)liver J' Olson & Clo., San Francisco.

Cy l{ooper, Fort Worth, Texas, recentlv speut sevcr':tl days in Los Angeles on business.

I-ieut. Colonel J. H. of the Vallejo Lunrber reported for service lr France.

Cosper, Ll. S. Itngineers, manager Company's yard at Vallejo until he ferv years ago, is now on dutY in

Sam Wilcox, general mallager of the O'Malley Lumber Co., Phoenix, Ariz., visited San Fr:rncisco recently on his rvay to Portland u'here he expected to spend two u'eeks'

ll. G. (Dave) I)avis, Union f-umller Co', San Francisco, is back {rorr, his vacatiot.t, spent at Forest Lake, Lake County, Calif.

Les Ifitrris of the geles, lva.i rcccntlY staff of A. L. (Gus) in San Francisco on Hoover, Los Ana vacation trip.

N. FI. (Harvk) Huey, Phoenix, was a Los Angeles visitor the latter part of JulY.

Sawmill man wants employment as millwright, filer or sawyer. Prefer portable mill with daily capacity around 20.000 feet. Would like to locate around Flagstaff, Arizona. All-round man with 18 years' experience, in good health, 39 Years old.

Address Box C-1041, California Lumber Merchant' 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif'


Young man who is acquainted with Southern California industrial and government buyers' Commission proposition with opportunity to earn substantial in' come. Fine postwar prospects with live-wire concern' Write stating age and exPerience'

Address Box C-1042, California Lumber Merchant' 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif'


1 65 Diesel Caterpillar tractor equipped with front and rear Power unit and bulldozer' 1 65 Gasoline Caterpillar tractor equipped with front and rear power unit and bulldozer'

Address Box C-1044, California Lumber Merchant' 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif'


2000 acres timber land-near Laytonville-Willits Highway (Calif.), adjoining National Forest' Portable sawmill on ProPertY.

Address Box C-1043 California Lumber Merchant' 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif'


If you want to sell your yard let us know' We have several buyers who are interested in Southern California yards.

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers 801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif' Phone PRosPect 8746

WHOtEStrLE DOORS MOULDINGS Two Warehouses to Serve You PLvWOODS 4tb C f Streetr SAN DIEGO I Fronklin 6673 FIRJ.RE Southern Calilornia, The Pacilic Telephone, YOrk 1168 1R-REITl1rOO n Pacilic Lumber Compeny- ssGUStt Ho
the Personal Seraice illan" Repretenting in So Ao to 5195 Wilthirc Blvd., Lor Angeles


PLYSCORD-'a, "double-use" grade of



THERE'S a double-barreled sales story that will help you step up post-war yolume. Stock Plyscord-the sheathing grade of Douglas flr plywoedand sell more of it because of this one feature alone.

Remember the other profit-producing features of Plyscord, too. Used as wall or roof sheathing, Plyscord lends strength and rigidity to construction. As subflooring, it provides a firm rigid base for the finish flooring-v;11t no danger of cupping, warping, squeaking or shrinking.

.Fo-r multiple-use concrete forn work, pLyFORM should be recmmended. of course. Plyform is the special concrete-form grad€ of Douglas fir plywod.

And before it is used for either sheathing or subflooring, Plyscord serves as an ideal "one-use" concrete form* lt goes up quickly, provides a smooth, finless surface, is easily stripped for re-use,

Feature Plyscord-and other grades of Douglas fir plywoo{-in your postwar selling plans. Build a bigger volume because THERE IS A TYPE AND GRADE OF DOUGLAS FIR PLYWOOD FOR EVERY BUILD!NG JOB!


Tacoma 2, Washington

Because of its many advantages, Douglas fir plywood today seryes the war effort exclusively. When it is no longer so urgently needed for essential us€s, it will again b€ one of your big volume-profit items.

t/r'fl/,lttH FlloR /1xft'crrcotzo

LI|TOTEUI'4 OR RUBSER rilE.oR A'PHALT ilLE t/;nN"payylett


7r6&-',ff,\! suB-Ft@R 'a./6'zvsml-.r. I oYER PtYscoao Suo-nue('i',.1 fuRRltO Sn/Pt

//tolE///rt &. zUAOER T/TE 4 ,'PIAL. NTE

aaoss .'",3s- or-W, tl I'l' i, o** P!!5c!/:.oEtocKED Y' "4 X sus-rto(,B


*'rntss rto*. 4hZ'ptyscoBo 'aB-F/octR t/floL€uM e NUAEER T/LE q ASPIIALT TlLE
Douglas Fir?lyuood
--u)ill help boost )roar post-utar aolunte and prortt !

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