1 minute read
available now only for essential war use, will be even a bigger profit line for retail lumber dealers in the postwar period than it was before the war. This will be due to the accumulated needs, and to the greatly expanded number of uses for this material.
Mailing Ad,dress: P. O. Box 2096, Tenurrver. AxNrx LOS ANGELES 54, CALIFORNIA
"PERtllAl{El{Tn' and "W00D" hake a good tell@ conbination
Many a man in the Army and Navy will be bringirg home f,avorable opinions of wood construction. For our service men.rre seeing how well Wobnanized Lumber* behaves in barracks, warehouses, loading pl,afforms and the like, where conditions are conducive lo decay and termite attack.
When military demands ease, this vacuumpressure treated wood will be made available for civilian construction. Treated at plants conveniently located throughout the country, &stribution will again be through regular trade channels. For data on Wohnanized Lumber, write American Lu-ber & Treating Company, 1648 McCormick Building, Chicago 4, Illinois.