3 minute read
UIGTl| R Eigh Early Strength PORTIAND GEMENT
Gucrranteed to meet or exceed requirements ol American Society lor Testing Mctericls Speciliccrtions lor High Ecrrly Strength Portlcnd Cement, cs well qs Federcrl Specilicctions lor Cement, portlcnd, High-Ecrly-Sirensth, No. E-SS-C-Z0lc.
IIIGH IARI.Y STREI{GTH concreie strengths in 24
(28 dcry hours.)
(Result oI compound composition and usuclly lound only in specicrl cements designed lor this pur_ pose.)
(Extremely severe auto-clave test results consistently indiccrte prcrcticclly no expcrnsion or contrcction, thus elimincting one oI most dillicult problems in use oI c high ecrrly strength cement.)
(Users' crssurqnce ol lresh stock, unilormity cnd proper results lor concrete.)
Mqnulqctured by
Higgins Boats Use Stanton Lumber
We are ploud of our part in the constluction of these Higgins 36-foot lamp landing boats as they head for enemy beaches in all theatres of this world - wide wor.
Eugene, Oregon
205 Tiflany Blds. Cenlcr for Fir and Pine
TmIER, ilEBSTEn & Jollil$ot, llG.
t Montgoncf Sjrcel 1800 Mcrdall f,vc' srNmlNcls@l,cf,uF. STOCtrfON, CALIF.
DOuglcr 2060 SToclton 8'8521
White FrDouglcrs FirIncense Cedcr
Dorrir, Cclilornic White Pires, Cqlitondc North ForL, Cclilonric WestPoint, Cclitonria
Fron tbc Augmt l6rtte.fD,.q,/
Back Panel Company
Francisco, an Estimating Contest which included ten ques-i tions pertaining to variois items that the retail lgmber salesul; man ii often asked to figure when calling.on his customersi; was won by Mel Salomon. He was awarded a $5 box of'' candy.
Don R. Philips, Los Angeles manager for'the J' B'i Hanify Co., joined the Los Angeles sales force of the Hatt:; Wood Lumber Co. He succeeded Joe Rolando who went tq, San Francisco tcj take over the management oi the Suddctii' Heitman Lumber Co.
W. R. Spalding Lumber Co., Visalia' purchased Alta District Lumber Co. at Lindsay'
Wendell M. Brown succeeded Don R. Philips ager for the J. R. Hanify Co. at Los Angeles'
Plans were under way for a State Hoo-Hoo meeting to be held at Santa Cruz on August 23. The meeting will bq held in conjunction with the directors meeting of the StaG Retail Association and the convention of the Millwork trn:
At a meeting of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San; stitute of California.
"Prospects and Niblicks," an article by Jack Dionne wa;l in this iisue, and covered an interview on the lurnber situa-, tion with A. L. (Gus) Hoover of Los Angeles' ,-
A. B. Garrett was the speaker at the monthly of the San Fernando Valley Lumbermen's Club His subject was Cost Accounting" meetin$ l' meeting.,{
This issue carried an illustrated article of the Good ber Company at Byron.
Lum--lt'; i
Douglcs Fir Plywood-Rdcommended Bevision 'i Orirecommendition of the Douglas Fir Plywood Assoi ciation and with the endorsement of the Standing Commic tee, a Recommended Revision of Douglas Fir (Fifth Edition), Commercial Standard CS-45-42, is circulated to the trade for written acceptance.
The major improvernent is the inclusion of the new gradi "Marine Exterior," as covered by paragraph 19. This iq' based on the experience gained. by our armed forces during"i the past two years in the use of plywood for marine appli--{ cations. ,1
R. I. Pcrish Visits Cocst
R. J. Parish, junior partner of L. R. Ltd., Melbourne, Australia, has been on the Pacific Coast. He exPects to latter part of this month.
Parish & Son, Pty visiting old fr sail for home inthei shi
Mr. Parish is well known in the sawmill and fraternity. His firm is sales agent in Melbourne patrick & Company, San Francisco.
ITMM$AI,N BUII,DIilfi $|]PP[T, ilO.
Wholescle Distributors ol Lumber qnd its Producis iri Ccrlocd Qucnrtities o
Wcrehouse Distribution oI
Dktribunrs ol
Pacific Coast , Forest Products
Los ANGELES Douqlas Fir PoRTIif,ND ?tr *o'o*H&rE'd. uemtoct r2trlsopd.ldbs #l*"
Ross C. Iashley Cedcr Bich G. Bobbine
Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Dinner
and Concat Sept. 8
Geoffrey F. Morgan,r,; manager of the Speakerslt'i Bureau of the Douglas Air:.i craft Company, Santh! Monica, Calif,, will be th€ii; guest speaker at the Lo'sd Angeles Hoo-Hoo Clubj:., dinner and concatenatiofi':'t which will be held at the -;l University Club, 614 South': Hope Street, Los Angeles;* Friday evening, SePteml',i ber 8. His subject will be;:
"The Shape of Wings tor:"$ Come."
Mr. Morgan is an out::', standing lecturer who Po.;- i sesses both an engaging'., musical entertainment. The concatenation will be held foll HOGATI