3 minute read
Sincc 1888
2nd d Alice S!s., Oaklcmd
Glcncourt 8881
Deelcrr in Forcst Producte
Douglcrs Fir-Redwood Cedar-SPruce
Genercl Office
Crocker Bldg., Stm Frcncisco 4, Calil.
Southeto Calilonic Office cncl Ycrrd l2l0 BIiDD [ve', Witningrton, Cclil., P. O. Bo* 5{8 lowing dinner and a fine class of Kittens is being tig"99 ti up. Alplications for,membership may be obtained by calling Vicegerent Snark Dee Essley, the'telephone numbeli is ANgelus 2-1183.
,- :. .. .. ,;
A disflay iiaturing Cdlo-Siding has been made availablq by The Celotex Corporation, Chicago. The display has"4 double easel back, is'l6xl7 inqtres in size, can be used for' either counter or windou,, and 'b,lank spaces. have been leffi. so the dealer may fill them in with pricej as they applf! locally.
Celo-Siding rvas used extensively for war construction,: and since these war needs have decreased, production fa-+ cilities which lvere stePPed up to meet.the governme'nt's.'' demand are now able to provide it for civilian uses. , -'
It is particularly suitable for farm construction such as brooder houses, laying houses, hog houses, lambing pensiri milk'houses, and crop storage buildings. Celo-Siding ha:j a high insulation value, and it requires no painting becauseji of its exterior finish.
leterpretcrtion 3 to CMP Regulction 9A
Aftir August 1, repairmen placing orders for lgmber cluired on construction jobs must be certified either agents for persons employing them or have such certifytheirlumberorders,theWPBadvises.
California Ranks Third
populcrtion now. only New york cnd pennsylvanic have more peqple. we believe thcrt much oI this new growth will remcdn, and will be cnr cdditioncl fcc'tor in stqbilizing the retcril lumber business here lor yecrs to.come.
Up and Down the State
Al Nolan, Western sales manager, Thc I'acihc l-ttmller Company, San Francisco, has returt.recl from silctlcling his vacation in Lake CountY, Calif'
Ed Tietjen, salesman for Sudden & San Francisco, was llack on the jolr rveeks' vacation at Camll Ilose, on the I{ealdsburg, Calif.
: Christenson, Inc., Jull' 31 from two Ittrssiarr I{iler, r'rear
Don E. Coveney, sales mallager' Atkinson-Stutz Co', San Francisco, le{t Augnst 4 to spend several lveeks calling on the mills in Northern California ancl Oregon'
Nlartin W. I'arelius itrrtl his friend, Whitney Olson, :rr.rrl their f atrtilies recetltlv spent tl.rree u'eeks' vacation together at Aetna Springs, I-ake Countl', Calif' Mr' Parelius is or,vner of Parelius Lun.rber Co., I'ortland, Ore', and Mr' Olson is a member of the steamship firm of C)liver J' Olson & Clo., San Francisco.
Cy l{ooper, Fort Worth, Texas, recentlv speut sevcr':tl days in Los Angeles on business.
I-ieut. Colonel J. H. of the Vallejo Lunrber reported for service lr France.
Cosper, Ll. S. Itngineers, manager Company's yard at Vallejo until he ferv years ago, is now on dutY in
Sam Wilcox, general mallager of the O'Malley Lumber Co., Phoenix, Ariz., visited San Fr:rncisco recently on his rvay to Portland u'here he expected to spend two u'eeks' ll. G. (Dave) I)avis, Union f-umller Co', San Francisco, is back {rorr, his vacatiot.t, spent at Forest Lake, Lake County, Calif.
Les Ifitrris of the geles, lva.i rcccntlY staff of A. L. (Gus) in San Francisco on Hoover, Los Ana vacation trip.
N. FI. (Harvk) Huey, Phoenix, was a Los Angeles visitor the latter part of JulY.
Sawmill man wants employment as millwright, filer or sawyer. Prefer portable mill with daily capacity around 20.000 feet. Would like to locate around Flagstaff, Arizona. All-round man with 18 years' experience, in good health, 39 Years old.
Address Box C-1041, California Lumber Merchant' 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif'
Salesman Wanted
Young man who is acquainted with Southern California industrial and government buyers' Commission proposition with opportunity to earn substantial in' come. Fine postwar prospects with live-wire concern' Write stating age and exPerience'
Address Box C-1042, California Lumber Merchant' 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif'
1 65 Diesel Caterpillar tractor equipped with front and rear Power unit and bulldozer' 1 65 Gasoline Caterpillar tractor equipped with front and rear power unit and bulldozer'
Address Box C-1044, California Lumber Merchant' 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif'
2000 acres timber land-near Laytonville-Willits Highway (Calif.), adjoining National Forest' Portable sawmill on ProPertY.
Address Box C-1043 California Lumber Merchant' 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif'
If you want to sell your yard let us know' We have several buyers who are interested in Southern California yards.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers 801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif' Phone PRosPect 8746