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Lumber Production in Philippine Islands Curtailed More Than Fifty Per Cent.
Ilor' l'larto. of Los -'\ngelcs, f'rcsirle rtt rti (':rrlu:Lll:rrle r'Gibsorr Comp;rur-, Tnc., has retttrtrtcl irottr tltrcc tttotlth.' "'isit irr the Islands, ri'ith treu-s oi hc:tvr- crtt'tailtttt'ltt,rf Philippine llahoganv procluction throttg'h,rut rhe I-lrLn,l..
Orre of his oarticular nri,.sious to the Islanrls u'lt: ttr tlirectl1'report 1o the ltttnlrer uratrttiactrtrers ()\'cr thcle oi lumber ancl nrarketing conditiot.ts in the Unitt'rl Statcs. Itttrnecliatelv rrpon his arrival he arlrlrcsscd a nrcctitrg of tlie Philippine I-uml;er Jlanufactrtrcr,* -\ss,rciati()rl. \\'hich crllbraces ninet-r'-fir'e per cent of all thc 1-lrorlttctiotr irt tiic Island, telling thcm of lrLrsiness conclitior.rs in thc Unittd Statcs, arrrl adr-ising a canrpaigrr of crrltailttrt'trt tLr l)reveltt the niaking of trnu'anterl lr.tnrlrcr anrl tl.re saving of thcir trees, until such time as nrarket conrlitions jrrstif icd a rtsurrrption oi norrrral cLrtting.
Hc tl-rerr visited the Cadn'allacler Ciibson Conrpartv rnill ^- r ^ r' " I :"- " rc'airr c, rnit'rr€rl ii itlr tlrc \>.,,ciati,,tt. dtlrl dlLql tlUlllX :r, .!!.rrrr lIe reportecl tr.l thenr that his c(rnll)an-\'. u'hich hatl lrcerr operatir-rg t$'o ten l-rorrr shiits at thcir rrri11. hatl di-.cor-ttinued the night nrn cntirclr-, ctrt thc rl:rv rurr rlou rr to tritrc lrt,rtrs. rtttrl cttt tht s'eck (l()\\'lt t,, f ivc ,la-r's. a curtailnr('il1 (,i rrr"t, thlrn sirt_r il(r ('r'llt. -l-lris n';rs f, 'llrn erl lr_r' ctu'tailrttcrtt schctlttle s lrv practicallv all thc lrr,rrlucer. in tlrc I.l:rn,1.. l-hc stnall rnills arc:rll cl,r.ecl rlou-rr f,rr \\'unt ()f tlttnanrl for thtir stock, anrl the larger nrills art ai1 crrrtailing. lIr. I),arto rePorts thrtt one r'f thc largest proilucers in thc Islands uho has lrccn operating tn'o rrrills niglrt attrl dar-. sllttt tlon'n one nrill errtirelr-. ancl put the ,,iher on z] olrC-:hift lrasis. thus Ir',lrrcirrg tllout >( \ crtt-r'-tlr'.' 1)( r f ' llt. lie rcports thrrt thcre is alrottt 4,,0.m0.000 feet of I'hiliplrirre lunrlrer t,n the ]'acitrc C,a.t torlav au-aiting sa1e. thc sur'1r1tts lreing alnrost tntirel-r'itr lt-,u'grarit u'.rtrrl.. -\ rt'sr,rrnptior-r of tra<le alnong thr ftrrnitLrre nrltrltfacttlrers u'orrlrl rerluce this to nurnral vtrv rlLrickl,r'. attrl the sitttatiou, rr ith tirr nrills curtailing anrl 11o 1rr11gg1 piling up lrtntber in the Isllrnds. i: I verr-hotrefrtl otte.
\lr. I iarto lrrlicve. that tlre ctrrtailrttent in the Islands tr.rrl:r-r'is n'e11 :rlrove fiftr-pcr cetrt, autl is prol;abl-r'altor-e s t\t \'.