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like this makes a house worth more f f OUSES laid with "Perfection" fl Brand Oak Flooring command a better price on the open market.
You can depend upon "Perfection."
In modern plants operated by skilled lumbermen, only the finest oak is selected. After proper seasoning and kiln-drying, it is perfectly milled and matched so that it lays smooth and stays smooth. It is graded and handled so carefully that upon arrival anywhere, it is always in perfect condition.
Leading lumber dealers gladly feature this nationally advertised brand.
Arkansas Oak Flooring Co., Pine Bluff, Ark.
TItrrc's o .ri:c tnd grnde lor .i,'/'-1 lJl. n j structurc, nczt or old. Ask your trillittct 0r btrilding conlrtclor l','r arr cslittrati.
'P€RF€GJTI9N' Brand Oak Flooring
Sound After Sixty-Two Years
The iollon-ing intcrestir-rg letter uas recentlv recriverl bv I)olheer & Carson f-ttnrlrer Co. from \I. -\. I{arris. u'cll-knorr'tr San Franci-.co lutnbernlan, n'ho is nlA\'trr of '\therton : .I'O\\'\ OIT'\'I'H ERTO\ San JIateo Cortnt-r'. California .\ugust 1-1. 1930
[)ollreer & Carson Lurnber Co.. llerchants Exchange lirrilrling. San l- rancisccr. Calif.
Feeling that vou rr'oulcl be interestctl in the lasting qualities of Iieclu'oorl, I anr sen<ling lou t\\'o pieces of 1x 12 Iledu'oorl taken f ronr ar.r olcl barn built in 1868 in our to\\'n at the c()untrv horne of 'fhonras Selbr-. thc I'resirlcnt of the piorieer firtrtTlre Sellrv Srrreltirrq \\-orks.
The u'riter has carefullv lookecl uo tl.re historv of the srrrronr-rrling cor.rntr-r' arrrl can vt,rrch for the integrity- of these pieces of u'oocl as having enteretl into tl.re constructior.r of the brrilding ir.r the ]-ear inclicated.
Several of our pioneer nren of note had countrv honres in our localitr'. sonre thirtv miles south of San Francisco. anrl ivoulrl rlailv ririve their teams t,r San Franci:co, starting eail-.' an,l drivirrg ten rrriles l-hcre a fresh teanr *'orrltl be taken on. using threc tearns. anrl repeating the pr()ct:ss honrervarcl l)otl11(l.
The clenrolition of the historic olrl barn renroves the last of the pioneer structures.
\\'1-rere u'ild ganre-bear, elk and rleer rtianted. u-e have beautiful honres, par-ecl .itree ts. eolf clubs. elaborate schools anrl all the agonies of rr'ltat lr-e. of this generatic-rn. knon'as rrroclern civilizatitrn.
I sonretinres u'oncler if the <lavs of sirrrolicitru'itltottt orrr ct-rnrlrlt'x lrrol,lerrrs \\'a: n.r a lrettt'r anh hauoier era aftcr all.
Since relr- -\'ours, ( Signerl.l lI. \. i i \R Ii IS. \I alor.
Calori Brotl'rers. rr'l.ro operaterl a nrillu'ork brrsiness in their ou-n plant on the San Fernanclo Iload, I-t-rs -\ngeles, for the past several r.ears. have liquirlatecl their btrsiness, retirecl fronr busine:s. and leascd their plant to a fixture c{,ltc('rn. 1-lr(ir Dllrlis Arc lt0t atlrlUultccrl.
Iiiut*o l"y,S;fl*
..A SUMMER CABIN SELLING PLAN'' /./r'r-,".s rr fl rtt llttt l,'l.i r-,'.rrr/l.r-bcrrlrrsr it'.s practical, .\o1rild, it)tilf I(lt). ILlritt f or 5,our cof 1'.