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S{-iMME,R CABINS a special merchandising plan to sell this profitable market
l nls
I'-'l' a copv of this nerv Pl:Ln-:rncl nse it to s:rles lcttcrs :rncl attrat:tivc consrrnrer iolclers. bring in cxtnL salcs arrrl c-rtra profits front It hcl1is -\-ott ot'{atrizc }',tlr ct_)tltl'Actrlrs anrl the special rnarket. l-iglrt real estltte tttett itt :r sPt'cial rlrivc ou Srtmnrcr (-:Lbirrs.
-l-lrousancls 9f sLunrrrer calrirrs:Lre lreilg l)lilt o1 I'lr-crv rletail has lrcctt tal<t'tt c;Lre oi and the tlre s6orcs of lal<cs :'d r-ir.ers a't1 i' t5c ntotrr l'l:Ltt c"trtt's tri vott courplctc -ev-c11. to working r:ri.s:rs r':rcatirn h.r'cs. 't'hc 'e' o.t,o orr,,r tt,",'' 'rJ;lit;,i',j,,t:,1:1;*:i,Jlnrl the rtratcrial lists that vou live in vour tcrritor torr.rcrs. out aurl urail the corll)on lrclorv.
"That New Lease on Life"
A colorIul, interc-slingr consutntr folLltr that lLells det elof a lontl li.\t ol LiL't l,ros' pe.ts amo]t!t.th. tnLn t4to lit't 1il \'Ouf at rrltt)r\,
IIere's a delailerl plarr to r:lo.c tliis busi- The *"r'l CnnornX |rt'ss-1o rrralrc it t':tsv t. :(.cur-(. 1 l, ,rrg 11at lH,.g. 1,. s. r,at. ()rr.) oi livc 1)r'osl)ccts. It giv,.s \'(ru str"r,g ;;,llll,,.:,",11:i'Ji;;,1.",:i""i]$ lhr' ('eloter ('ornparrl., ('hicag,r, Illinois