1 minute read
lVendling- Nathan Co.
Wholesalers of Douglas Fir Redwood
California White & Sugar Pine
If you have never had
Pioneers of the Golden West
( )'tt- tvriorlrn tie s lLnrl \\-o()(icn lrrirlgt...
( ) t'r 'lroLtrrcllcss ltllLin. ;rnrl n,r,rlslj 1ji|-1.',
-\ h:Lrrl-r'I'eople rrurrle their 11ut..t l , 'r' I |,,nt('\l(.:r'l\ irr tlrt. l, ,r,llr \\'t..1.
\\'itli rtrdcst pr:ririt. .hi1t. c,f n,,,rrl
The sttrrrlr- -\r.q'onarrts rnlrrlc gcir rr1.
.\nrl irr the u'r,ri11s of statclv l,inr a'r I lte "(rrrlrlurt l.lt,tce of .Ta.,,tt"--rltirte.
In nright_r' slrilrs tlrcl girrl the :l)lt(.t.(. \\-ith lrrrnlrer larle n vtlLr irv vt:Lr :
Ii, 'r,.- f,,r' irrrit rrn(l (.ir.r-i i,,r ir,.i'llit \\'itlr Irrrrrlrt,r nt,:Llth tirrl l,,irrl rircll -lirtr
'l'lrr J{orrre anrl .liane u'ith l,,r ing ctrrc \\-itlr n-oorl c()nrl)act thcl rurlcl_r' rrar.
T'-t'or11 11;1111lgts-t95'ns a'rl citit.s .6r*' I Itiri' the rc, a rnightr' \:riitrn glr ru
Let us sell you a car. It can be mixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worked uppers.
Main Office:
A. L Hoover, Agt. Los Angeles Standard Oil Bldg.
Such cliversc tl.rings fronr u-oorl :rrc lnrilt'1'he paper pagc-the salire's hilt.
'l'he statcl-r' ship. tht, stceple tall. 'l-i. rr,,,,,1 111111 lunrlrtr lrrrilrls tht,rrr :tll.
II. -T. \\-.. I-:Lsrrrr:r llcaclr. Calif.
Hr'l-lir:rt ]ila... ,,f 5:rn ]irlrnci.c,,. \\'11,, hlrs lirtn in clr:rrge of tlte :alcs tlrlxirtnrrltt 1,i th,: I'acitrc I-ttrrrl.,cr (,rirrParrv sincc thc rleath of tlrc lrLit l'ttcr \lc\rvirr. s1.rt,rrt a irn'rlar.s rece'ttt1r' irt I-,,s .\:rgtlt... calling .n tltr trarle itr colltl)all_\- rvith thcir sA1c. rr,prc.e ntativc. (lrrs I Ioi,r'er.
-\lt-. l'rl:1.. lta. l,L.t.n pi:Lcticallr':Lll hi. lifc n'itlt I,:rcific. har ing rt.crrrti-r' c,,ltl,rj:rt,.,l hi. trr cnt\'-llftlr lrrnivt'r.iLrv rritlr tlrat ('',n\'i.r'r. II,. lr;r- n,,rkt.,l lri- ri;rr-;rll rlrr.,,rrglr tlte org:Lttization. h:ir ing ,,nce l,rtrr rn:rn:rqcr ,,f the ()aklancl ltlattt, then u-,,rktrl his u rLv thr,,11g'11 tlie Irroriuction 1ls1y-rt't- lnent ()f the grcat ntillitrg Ilants:Lt 5cr,ti:1. lrtir-rv ProdLrc- tton nraltager s hen tlrt,r' rlrlLitt.,i ltirtr jni,, thc .alts rlcpartrnclrt.
('htr.. Ii. ^\lc('orrrrick. ch:r jrrnlLn ,,i tht. 1r,,:s1-11 1;f thc Chas. Ii. llcC',,rnrick i-rrnrlrtr (-o.. 5:rn ];r-:rnci.c,r. retllrltc(l --\u- gu:t l,l irLrnr a lrtr.iness trilt to thc \,rrthu-c:1 u'here he visiterl tlrc c()lll):ut,\'s officcs at I',rtlanrl anrl Seattle. and the rrrills at St. llcl('n:. I)()rl I.rrrllou':Lrrrl I'ort (,atnlrlc.