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Weyerhaeuser Launches 4-Square Advertising Campaign
The lumber tracle s'hich has lteen looking this n'ay ancl that for signs of an uprvard trencl in business conclitions, will r'velcome the portcnt and stin.rulus of the very extensive lumber adr-eitising campaign just launched by the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, distributors of Weyerhaeuser Fotest Products.
The campaign concentrates ou the thirteen procltrc.ts that constitute fhe Weyerhaeuser 4-SQUARE packaged lumber line, carrving the message of conficlence in carefully llanq- facturecl,-properly seasonerl, machiue sclttarecl, fu11 length lumber, tiacle-n'rarked, grade-tnarked and spccies-lnarkecl and guaranteed.
trive page annoLlncements attrl double sllrca<ls in trvo colors in the lumber trade press ltroclain'r the nen'era of retail lumber merchandising madc possiblc ancl practical by the adclitional salcs aclr'antages cataloguccl in the co1l1' rr +-SOUnl{E'5
"Eleren l'ltrs V;rlttcs".
In tiie lruilding tratle jorrrn:.rls the coustrrtctiotr advautages of 4-SQUARE are set forth in a serics of full pagc advertisernents in black and u'hite.
A trvo-color clouble spread follorved by a series of full pages in the Saturdav Evening Post ancl home lruildit.rg nragaziues coustitute the canrpaign ivhich tells the-public.^ aljor-rt "thc trcu' iclea in lrtmlter" and horv 4-SQUARE'S "Itler-en Plrrs \tallres" aicl goocl construction. T1-re farrn tracle is reacirecl through a series of pages in Countrl- Gentleman.
Tl-re campaign reflects the progress of thc lumber business frorn tle cracker-barrel stage to the stocking of packagecl iumber proclttcts possessing all the merchan-disin-g crralitics tl'rat havc enabled substitute materials to invade ti-re lr.rnrbcr fielrl; hou' tuotlcrtt lrrmbcr prodttcts of this tr-pe ena'ble t1're tlcaler to tncct the "reaclv-cttt" zrncl n-rail or,i"i l-rn,tt. conrpetitior-r, anrl of etlttal in-rllort:i1lce. take lumber bur-ing anri seliing orrt of the "get tr'hat -l'ott cau" class.
Irr larrnching this l)rograllt \Veyerhaetrscr Sales Companv h:rs givcn exy;ression itr tangillle fortn to its faith in potential lrr.rilrlinr activitr-. ()ne of tl-re aitns of the catnlraign is renetval of prtlrlic faith in wriotl alrl its ttscs. And it trr^-,'lre saici that a furthcr:rilrl is to t'ctrerv tl're retailer's faitl'r in ltttnber, t.tot ouly as a <lepenclable builcling material, but in qualit,r' lutnber as a protluct that can lle mer' cl.ranclisecl on its rnerits and sold at a legitirnatc plofit.