1 minute read
The l{ew €ra of Merchandising clcans up
Tke Worst Spot In The Lumber Jtard
Wasteful, dir ty, o ld-fas hi oned moulding rach replaced by 4-SeUAItIj ntouldirtgs in full length cartons-cleun, protected, no TLtuste, gootl displuy
IN,IES are changing in the retail lun-rber business. The passing of the dirty olcl moulding rack is merely one sign of the nerv era of merchandising that brings modern sales advantages and sales methods to lumber.
Mouldings in Full Length Cartons, the most recent addition to the 4-SQUARE Line, give you at last the opportunit)' to put a stop to one common source of waste and loss.
The photographs on these pages tell the story -how 4-SQUARE Nlouldings are protected from costly damage through every handling from saw mill to final delivery to the user, horv the full length carton keeps these modern mor-rlclings clean, horv the carton solr.es vour storaee problem and horv the label qir-es r-ou real displar-r'alue in 1'ourr-ard.
The eleven pltts t'alues built into the 4SQUARE Line have put modern merchandising to rvork in leading lumber 1'ards, east and west. These alert merchants know that 4SQUARE'S exact s randards, package protection, grade and speciesrnarks, trade-markand guarantee bring to the lurnber dealer a line of quality lumber products nranufactr.red to meet the bu1'er's exacting demands. Thel' know that 4-SQUARE with its eler-en plus values can be merchandised.
Nlore than 1100 progressir.e lumber dealers in cities, towns and villages from coast to coast sell the 4-SQUARE Line. Their number is growing from month to month. A limited num- ber of additional franchises are available during 1930. The 4-SQUARE Franchise is about to become still more valuable. Important new developments in the 4-SQUARE Line are now
If you arc ready to make modern merchandising go to work in your lumber business, write the nearest Weyerhaeuser district office for further details.