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H. V. Cowan Joins Maule-Heber Co. Will Manufacture and Merchandise Cowan Line of Built-Ins
H. V. Con'atr Cotnp:Ln-r', Inc., of Lr-,s -\ngcles, u'lrich has been in the hands clf its creditors f,rr thc past sevcral months, has shut,lorr-rr its plant or.r Soutli -\larnt'cla Strcet. the business is being liquiclated, ancl the pllnt u-ill bc.old. N{r. H. \r. Cou.an rcnrained u.ith thc cr)r-lccrn (,l,elatiuS it for thc crcclitors rrntil all contracts harl lrten fillcrl rLnrl all business closcd. It is rrnclcrstoorl th:rt tlre corrlr:rnr-u'ii1 ^^-' j+^ ^- ):' ' t-- iull. Inaclecluatc firr:rncjng is rel)()rte(l Pd) rL5 !lc(rrLUls ilr l as responsible for its inabilitr. to continuc lrusincss irr tlrc face of busincs-* (leDrcssron.
X,Ir. Con'an l.ras nou- joined forces u-ith thc nen- nrillu-orli firm oi Ilarrle-llelrer (.o. JIarrlc-I Iebcr Co. announccs that ther- har-e alrearll- takcr-r up thc rnenufacture of 'l-he Con'an Line of built-irrs, ancl have a large forcc of nrcn turning out this line at the ltresent tirrre. fIr. Con-an n'i11 bc Sales X{anager for the cabinet clepartntent, ancl 1e ncl his crclLrsir e
JOHN OLSON VTSTTS SAN FRANCiSCO e firrts tou':rrrl takirrg rrlr tlrr. (,\\'iln Line u'here lris trld ('{,rrp;rlr_\' leit r,lf.
J ohn ( )lsorl, manager oi thc l-os ,\ngele s olhce i,i the Chas. I{. \ilcCornrick Lrrnrltcr Co.. reccntlr- r'isitcrl tlrc conrlranr-'s honre office at San lirancisco.
JIr. Ilert llarrle states th:rt thrir concrrrr lras high hope-. for this neu' rlclr:rrtnrrllt. c,,nri,ler.ing'1-h.. C,rn.ari I-ine tr,r bc the nrost efficitnt line r,f kitclren lrrrilt-ins on the rnar- ket, :Lnrl ltelievc-. rlrat it u ill ijt jn n'ortrlerirrllr- n,ith the nrillu-ork business thc-r'are clevt,loping. l'hr.ir l,ig plant on Slauson'\r-enue n-ill irrrnish tlrtrir lirn1r1t,,,1,p,,itunit_.. for thc prodrrction of this line in arl,litinn r, thrir regular milln'ork.
\\.hile onlr-threc lcars of aqc. -fhe L'on-au Line of bLriltirrs has l,eeri u.erl vcrr- exteniir-clr-in Southern Caliiornia, anrl f Ir. Cou'an lrelierr e s that its tropirlaritr- u-ill continue as thr'ir lrrorlrtcti.rrr is ,lr.r'clnircrl. Ii i. rtn,l.,i.tuo,l tlrlrt arnple iinanccs for the lrrorluction;Lnrl rnerchanrlising of tiris calrinet departrrrent in a large n'ar., is avaijable.
H. A LIBBEY BACK FROM TRIP lL '\. I-ibber.. -l'hc I-ittle Iiir-er-Ilerlu.oocl Co., returned to San I;rancisco.\Lrr:trst l() frortr a lrtrsiness trip to Los .\ngelcs ancl San .l)icr:o.
First introduced 4 years ago
-now largest seller on market
Largest scller, f:rsttst srller. lrccausc b e s t Gtrarantcctl 1{lll or nore rcrl htartn oorl rritlr 1001'" oil contrrtt. -\rrcl p:rckerl in rrrrt:rl-lrorr:rci cartons for goorl rncasure.
]:ar (lkottltions tttri litcro!ute orl,lrr.i-r ['ir]ii,'r;r'o di.rl/il)rr1,,r.r:
E. J. STANTON & SON J. E. HIGCINS LBR. CO, Los Angeles San Francisco
^"6fo. c-P*g!{^, e(6