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San Diego Hoo Hoo to Hold Concatenation Sept. 9th.
H. A. Wark, Vicegerent Snark of the San Diego district, announces that a concatcnation u'il1 l>e held on Septernlter 9 at San Diego, Calif. Precedins the concatenation, there will be a clinner. The n-rembers of the Nine rvl'ro r,vill assist Mr. Wark in putting on the concatenation r,vil1 include the follorving: Senior Hoo Hoo, Jesse 13acon;Junior Hori Hoo, Chas. McFarlane; Bojun-r, tr{erle Baker; Scrivenoter. Dick Bowen; Jabberu'ock, John Lultton ; Custocation. Clifford Roberts;Arcanoper, Cy Irving; and Gurclon. I)uke l'[ason.
A. F.'\ry'. Mikkelsen
Axel F. W. tr{ikkelsen. cashier of the Chas. R. McCormick Lum,ber Co., San Francisco, died at San Francisco August 16.
Mr. Mikkelsen lvas a native of Denrnark, ancl had been in the employ of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. for 20 years. He rvas 45 years olrl, and is snrvived by his 'lvidon', one son and trvo daughters.
White Pine Operator Installs Moore Dry Kilns
The X',IcGolclrick Lumber Company of Spokane. \\'ash., large prorlrrcers of Idaho \Vhite Pinc ln the Irrlanrl E,rrr1,irr.. have just finished the installation of trvo adclitional Xlo,rre Reversible Cross Circulation dry kilns at their plant. Scveral months ago this company placecl an orcler foi forrr kilns of this san.re type, giving them a ltatterv o{ six of the latest type kilns. An interesting featurc of the NlcGoldrick kilns is that tl're ternperature ancl hurnidity are clectricallv controllecl.
Texas Lumbermen In California
Among the Texas lumbermen rvho have been vacationing recently in California, thc following have been notice,l : W. E. Black. Dallas. Secretarl' W. H. Norris Lunrber Company.
A. G. N[cAdams, Da11as, President A. G. ]4cAd:rms l-umber Company, line vards.
J. K. Wadley, Texarkana, lumber rnanufacturer. James Buchanan, Texarkana, lumlter manufacturer.
J. T. Orvens. Dallas. retailer.
Do Tou Know That
We have on wharf here, available for immediate shipment, in carload lots or L. C. L.: GREEN CEDAR SHINGLES
S/2 Perfects 5/2 F-xtra Clears 6/2 F-xtra Star-A-Star