1 minute read
WHOLESALE Douglas Fir, Redwood, etc.
112 Market St. - San Francisco Portland Of6ce, American Bank Bldg.
The Elks Temple, Los Angeles covercd with 'Wcaver-H enry Roofing.
Architect CurletGBeelman
Builder and Conlractor Scofield Engrg. Construction Co.
Let the elements spend their fury against this (< (< <( Sturdy Rooflng !
Rooling for industrial or municipal structures, where large expanses of roof are exposed to the elements, must be of a sturdy, highly superior quality. Builders and contractors in Calilornia and along the Pacific Coast speci[y Weaver-Henry Factory-Guaranteed Roofing because they know this material is a scientifically prepared composition that will withstand the ravages of hot sun, fog or rain. They know, too, that these roofs last through seasons upon seasons that stretch into years of consistent, economical service.
All \?eaver-Henry Factory-Guaranteed Roofs are applied under the supervision o[ trained inspectors.... here is added protection for the builder, contractor and dealer.