1 minute read

(lepture thc Yel 1c)'Dr WiTh PIONEER COI

...for every type of sloping roof

There's no trick to selling Pioneer Copperclad Valley. All you need do is explain its unusual advantages; how it makes a more watertight roof; how its enduring copper forever eliminates costly valley repair; why it costs less when applied than other metal valleys. You'll find owners will instantly recognize these things, and your roofing customers will be enthusiastic about its simplicity of installation. There's a mighty profitable market to be sold . and it makes no difference whether the roof is of tile slate . . . wood, asbestos or comPosition shingles . . . it NEEDS Pioneer Copperclad Valley!

Ask the Pioneer salesman to include a few rolls in your next order . . make a display of one of them and tell your customers about it . . . then you'll see why Pacific coast lumber dealers have sold nearly twenty-two miles of it during the first six months of this year! And remember, Pioneer Copperclad Val' ley has no competition, it's an exclusive Pioneer Paper Company ptoduct.

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