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Harbor Plywood Corporation Demonstration and Sales Office in San Francisco

Chas. W. Buchner

The office building recently built by Charles W. Buckner on the second floor of the Building Material & Machinery Exhibit Building, 557 Market Street, San Francisco, to demonstrate the-use of Harbord Plywood, for which he is Northern California representative, is now completed. Pictures of the exterior and interior of the building are shown on this page.

The sjzJof the building is 10 feet by 16 feet, with 7 feet 6 inches ceiling. The interior is construqted entire!>1 of plywood. ThJ walls and ceiling are of Harbord Wallboard, and the floor is made from /a-inch, 5-ply plywood. The sheathing on the outside of the walls as well as the roof sheathing is of plywood.

The interio"r walls'and ceiling were decorated by I. F. Laucks, Inc., with their Laux Wall Texture. The Wall Texture on the ceiling was glazed over to make it waterproof and then tinted with dark ivory coloring. The walls -were treated similarly and tinted with different, coloring. The decorating was done by E. B. Barrymore, San Francisco.

The siding on the building was furnished by.manuf-".tgters of various species of lumber. The end shown in the picture is California Pine Log Cabin Siding, furnished by McCloud River Lumber Co. the other end is Western Red Cedar Bungalow Siding furnished by E' C. Miller Cedar Lumber eo., Aberdeen, Wash., represented in San Francisco and Los Angeles by S. E. Slade Lumber Co. The siding on the side shown in the picture is lO-inch Anzac Redwood Siding, furnished by The Pacific Lumber Co. and the opposite sidl is covered with 3x8 Red Cedar L-og Cabin Siding furnished by E. C. Milter Cedar Lumber Co., Aberdeen.

Erterior of PlJwood office buililing zaith roof of Forestile.

The plywood floor, the doors and the exterior and interior trim -were finished with Inwood by E' D. Wolbert of the Inwood Products Co., San Francisco. This one coat finish shows the beautiful grain of the Douglas Fir to an exceptional degree.

The roof is made of Forestile, manufactured by Street & Co. of Aberdeen, Wash. This new roofing material is sawn from ,clear vertical grain Red Cedar in the shape of clay roofing tile. Mr. Buckner is the California distributor for Forestile.

The interior of the building is an exceptionally fine demonstration of the possibilities of Harbord Wallboard. This board is a real lumber produ,ct made of three-ply Douglas Fir veneer, sanded to /a-inch net thickness in all widths. It is obtainable in all widths up to € inches and lengths of 144 inches and under as desired.

Being situated in the Building Material & Machinery P*hibit Building this plywood building is naturally attracting a great deal bf attention among contractors, home builderJ and others interested in building materials. Mr. Buckner has established his sales headquarters .in this building and extends a welcome to everyone interested in up-to-theminute building materials.

Lumberman Back From Tahoe

Tommy 'Work, general manager of the Work Lumber Co., Monterey, hai returned from two weeks' vacatbn spent at Lake Tahoe.

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