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Col. Greel"v Protests Against lncreased Rates
Col. W. B. Greeley, Secretary-Manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, was spokesman for the lumber industry of the Pacific Northwest at a hearing of the Interstate Commerce Commission held in Seattle in August, concerning the proposed 15 per cent increase in railroad freight rates.
"We protest against the proposed increase for three prin- cipal reasons," said Greeley in his opening statement. "They are: The present critical condition of the lumber industry; that an increased freight rate will defeat its own purpose by reducing shipments; and that a horizontal percentage increase pyramids charges against the lumber
Demand Grows For Pacific Coast Hardwoods
There is a steady increase in the demand for Pacific Coast hardwoods, according toa statement by Charles Gilstrap, manager of the Hardwood Products Corporation, of Sedro-Woolley, Wash., to a representative of this paper recently. .This concern operates a band sawmill witha daily capacity of 20M feet, the output consisting of alder, maple, birch and cottonwood. The mill is claimed bv its owners to be the largest and most modern exclusive hardwood operation in the Northwest. All of the equipment in the sawmill and the cut up plant is of the most modern type, which has to stand the longer haul to the large consuming markets, which condition applies.to the lumber produced in the Pacific northwest." and the battery of three Moore Reversible Cross Circulation Dry Kilns insures efficient drying of the output.
Greeley covered in elaborate detail the adverse conditions now prevailing in the lumber industry of Washington and Oregon, showing the great losses sustained in the last two years in capital and wages. He also quoted statistics and figures touching on practically all phases of the lumber business, including production, prices, shipments, freight charges, the comparison of water and rail transportation costs and conditions and considerations governing their comparative advantages and disadvantages, back haulage from the Atlantic coast, and other similar matters.
Gus Gilbertson is president of the company. Carl Allen is superintendent, and in charge of dry -kiln operations.
W. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco, represent the Hardwood Products Corporation in Northern California, and the Southern Cali{ornia representative is the American Hardwood Co., Los Angeles.
Watsonville Yard Changes Hands
McElroy-Cheim Lumber Co. have bought the yard formerly operated by the Wilkie Lumber Co., Watsonville.