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Pacilic Coast Building Officials to Study Lumber Grades and Strength
Berkeley, Calif., August 22.---The Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference will be held at Berkeley, October 5-10, and a feature of the meeting will be a lumber grading symposium, according to an announcement by Stanley P. Koch, President of the Conference.
Forty .minutes will be devoted on the first day of the meeting to discussion of the fundamental principles of grading lumber and the application to the various species of wood used in construction in the western states. Samples of the species and grades will be exhibited and the factors determining the grade and safe loading capa'city of each piece will be explained. This symposium will be conducted by A. C. Horner, San Francisco, Manager of the Western Office of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, who was formerly secretary-treasurer of the Building Conference. He will be assisted by grades inspectors of thc
Asphalt Emulsion Proves Fine Side Line lor Lumber Dealers
Because it is generally conceded to be a "rqllacement" year, Western lumber dealers are reporting a wide sale for Pioneer Asphalt Emulsion in the coating of all types of roofing materials, is the statement made by Mr. J. H. Plunkett, general manager of the Pioneer Paper Company.
'One of the important advantages of the material for roof coating is the fact that it may be applied cold, thus eliminating the elaborate equipment which is essential for the use of other forms of Asphalt. Asphalt Emulsion forms an impervious surface that is unaffected by the elements, and it will not check nor crack, run nor sag, under any climatic temperature. It is suitable for the roofs of residences, business establishments, industrial buildings, warehouses, hotels, office buildings-in fact, for every type of roof.It may be successfully coated on composition .roofs, corru- gated iron, composition shingles, metal tile, asbestos roofs, and wood shingles. Where color is desired red or green Albikote may be used. In the case of metal roofs the matenal effectively seals out moisture, thereby preventing corros10n.
West Coast Lumbermen's Association, the California Redwood Association and the California White & Sugar Pine Manuf acturers Association.
Following a discussion of the fa,ctors affecting grades and strength, some 50 pieces of lumber of sizes customarily used in construction will be placed on exhibition near convention headquarters, and building officials will have an opportunity to examine them at their convenience and estimate the grade and strength of each piece. On the last day of the convention the results of these individual estimates will be checked and attention will be especially devoted to a discussion of the grade and strength of those pieces concerning which the most errors are made. Several prizes will be awarded for grading judgment, one of them being a pair of candlesticks made from wood from the old roof of the White House at Washington, which was in place for 112 vears without deterioration.
It is pointed out by the manufacturer that every territory in the eleven Western states ofiers possibilities for the lumber dealer, in the sale of Pioneer Asphalt Emulsion, because of its exceedingly wide range of use and the utmost simplicity of application. This fact together with the approaching rainy season affords a timely sales suggestion, to create additional business for Western lumber dealers.
Ray Clotfelter, manager of the W. R. Spalding Lumber Co., Visalia, was a recent business visitor to San Francisco.
Hawk Huey Returns Home After Vacation
Hawk Huey, well known lumberman of Phoenix, Arizona, has returned home after three weeks' vacation spent on the ocean beach near Los Angeles.