6 minute read
Philippine Mahogany comprises within its range o-f physical properties all of the qualities *!i9h make mahogany one of the finest cabinet woods. In Philippine Mahogany there occur variations in texture, hardness, figure and color to the same degree as in other mahogany woods. There are uses for whicfi Philippine Mahogany is preferable to all other mahogany woods, and there are other uses where some other mahogany wood may be preferable to Philip' 'pine Mahogany. Intelligent selection and grading will asiure to the uier the quality and satisfaction requisite to complete public service and sound business.
Eich type and kind of mahogany wood should be sold under its- own name and for those uses for which each is best adapted. These are facts which the hardwood industry mus[ recognize ifit is to best serve itself by serving the public best. These are facts known generally to the trada but little understood by the public.
Recognizing the obligation to deal fairly with th9 t-ra-dg and thJ publlc; glateful for the opportunity to be helpful to both; and to the end that both the trade and the" public may be made appreciative of the qualities of each and all of the mahogany woods, the Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers Association- hereby resolves, and its members individually agree:
1. That each kind or species of mahogany wood, commonly recognized as such, shall be advertised, described and sold under names which clearly indicate their respective origih and distinguish them from each other.
2. That mahogany wood of the Philippine Islands shall be advertised, described, and sold under the name PHILIPPINE MAHOGA1NY so as to clearly indi'cate its origin and distinguish it from other mahogany woods.
3. That only those hardwoods of the Philippine Islands which possess all the characteristics of mahogany wood shall be advertised. described and sold as PHILIPPINE MAHOGANY, and that the Chief Forester of the Government of the Philippine Islands be invited to cooPerate with the trade in the United States in making this resolution effective.
Be It Further Resolved By This
4. That methods of grading and selection of stock be formulated to the end that each wood user may obtain the grade and quality of Philippine an4 other mahoganies wfrictr will produce the best results for each specifi'c use.
5. That the cooperation of local retail and wholesale lumber dealers and national and local associations of furniture manufacturers and dealers be obtained to make effective the principles set out in Paragraphs One and Two of (Continued on Page 37)
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(Continued from Page 35) these resolutions, to the end that both the trade and the public will be informed and made appreciative of the virtues of each kind of mahogany wood and the uses to which they are best adapted.
Immediately after the business session on Friday the entire party of delegates were entertained at lunch at the 60Gacre estate jointly owned by Henry Swafford, J. E. Higgins, Jr., and LeRoy H. Stanton. This beautiful estate is on Saanich Bay, about 14 miles from Victoria. There are two lakes on the property, and most of the members enjoyed the swimming in Lake Lillian. As it was a stag party many brought themselves back to the ol' swimmin' hole days by going in in the altogether. A splendid luncheon was served in the club house, accompanied by appropriate legal, liquid refreshments. Two Scotch pipers in full regalia supplied a musical accompaniment to the luncheon.
B. C. Nicholas, editor of the "Victoria Daily Colonist", was the principal speaker at the banquet on Thursday evening. J. Fyfe Smith presided, and short talks were given by D. J. Cahill, Chas. M. Cooper, and Ray Anderson, Seattle.
C. H. White, White Brothers, San Francisco, was the speaker of_the evening at the banquet on Friday evening, at which Roger Sands, retiring president, presided. Mi. White read a history of the hardwood business on the Pacific Coast, w!ic! he had prepared frorn information gathered painstakingly from authentic sources. This wai intensely interesting to all the- members, and it will appear in full in a later issue of this paper.
The splendid silver golf trophy was won by D. J. Cahill, and Kenneth Smith won the cup given for runner-up in the association's annual golf tournament.
The wives of the delegates were entertained by trips to the famous Butchart's Gardens and other beauty spofs. Norman Sawers, of Fyfe Smith & Co., Vancouver, B. C., retiring sec_retary-treasurer, lvas in charge of all arrangements for the convention.
\forld's Largest Manufacturers North Portland, Ore, of Dry Kilns and Equipment Jacksonville, Florida
The lished made tified
CERTIFIED SHINGLES new grading rules for Red Cedar shingles were pubin the July 15 issue of this paper. Reference was in this article to the label to be used for the new cershingles. For the information of our readers this
TO MEET ATLTTIE OUATITY REQUIREMENTS OF COMMERCIAL STANDARD C.S. 8I.8t FOR, RED CEDAR STIINGLES ISSUED BY U.S. DEPARTM ENT OF COMM ERCE wasHrNcfoN. o.c label is reproduced here. This appears on all bundles of No. 1 Grade shingles manufactured by mills licensed to use the label. No. 1 Grade shingles are edge grain 5/2" and thicker.
(The Clearing Houtc)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is fon
TheFellow Who Wants to Buy The F'ellow Who Wants to Sell
TheFellow Who Wants to Hire
Ratc: $2.50 per cotumn inch
TheFellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Estimator Wanted
For Sale
Planing MiLl Machinery fon sale. All modcrn, new 3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1E00 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8460.
Young Lady Wishes Position With Lumber Company
Young lady experienced in stenography, general office work, estimating, knowledge of bookkeeping, desires posi- tion. Lumber preferred. Will gladly accept position in Los Angeles or out of city. Address Box C-41Q California Lumber Merchant.
An opportunity to buy lumber yard in good location. Business averages over $6000.00 a month, first class stock and planing mill. Stock and accounts receivable will inventory $25,000.00. Will handle Accounts Receivable. Will sell all of business or if I get the right man will retain an interest. Compelled to get out of active business on account of health. For full information address Box C-404, California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted by an experienced retail lumberman capable of managing yard or acting as salesman or office work; also knows the hardware line and speaks some Span- ish. Reference and bond can be furnished. Address Box C-fi6, California Lumber Merchant.
Death of Mrs. E. ). Stanton
Mrs. E. J. Stanton died at her home in Los Angeles, Sunday, August 23rd, and was buried in Hollywood Cemetery on Tuesday, the 25th. She was born in Detroit, Michigan, nearly 75 years ago and moved to Los Angeles with her farnily 38 years ago. She is survived by one son, Leroy II. Stanton, and two daughters, Mrs. Henry Swafford and Mrs. C. H. Von Breton, all of Los Angeles.
Mrs. Stanton was one of the best loved and honored members of the lumber fraternity of Los Ang'eles for two generations. Her husband, the late E .J. Stanton, was the founder of the firm of E. J. Stanton & Son, and one of the pioneer hardwood lumbermen of Southern California. He iiea in t9tS. Mrs. Stanton was noted for her nobility of 'character and the greatness of her charity.
Moderate sized planing mill in a city of 50,000 desires the services of a young, active, high class estimator. References required. Address C-408, The California Lurnber Merchant.
Man experienced in lumber-hardware-paint, etc., wishes connection as salesman, bookkeeper, estimator, credits or lineyard manager. Best of references. Address Box C-405, California Lumber Merchant.
Will Buy Interest In Lumber Yard
Lumber and Mill man of wide experience wants to buy interest and assume management of yard and mill. Best of references. State full particulars. Address Box C-411, California Lumber Merchant.
Position with reliable firm by an experienced credit man, accountant and lumberman. Address Box C-4O3, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber buyer-years of experience in Washington and Oregon-knows the mills, grades, etc. Open for position anywhere. References. Address Box C-409, California Lumber Merchant.
William Wright, Jt.
William Wright, Jr., of the Wright Lumber Co., Stockton, and Wright and Prestley, Sacramento, died in Stockton August 15.
Mr. Wright had been in the hospital for more than two months, convalescing from a fall which resulted in a broken hip, and was getting along nicely when he was stricken with the illness which caused his death.
He had been in the lumber business for 30 years, and had a large acquaintance among lumbermen in the San Francisco Bay district and all over Northern California. Prior to going into business for himself he was 14 years with Pope & Talbot, San Francisco, five years with the Sunset Lumber Co., Oakland, and five years with A. S. Carman at Benicia.