1 minute read

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insures a distinctive appearancegu:rfantees Pefmanence.

Some Log

A log yielding 10,000 board feet of lumber rvas recently sawed by the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company's mill in St. Helens, Ore. The log was 96 inches in diameter and was so long that part of the mill roof had to be sawed away to permit the log to enter the mill from the pond.


James L. Venn, manager of the W. R. Spalding Lumber Company's yard at Porterville, recently made a business trip to San Francisco.

Earl Galbraith On

Earl Galbraith, Sales Manager for Board Corporation, is enjoying a Santa Cruz Mountains. He will be Los Angeles office shortly after the

VACATION the Schumacher Wall short vacation in the back on the job in the first of September.

In 8 to 14 inch widths one inch thickness


Incorporation papers have been filed at Long Beach by the C. H. Smith Lumber Company of that city, showing a capital stock of 10,000 shares. The incorporators are C. H. Smith, Monroe, Iowa; Carl C. Smith and C. Roy Smith, both of Long Beach.

Manufacturer Finds Texas Business Best In Southwest

Asked by a representative of this paper as to horv he found business conditions in the Southwest during his re'cent six weeks' trip to Eastern, Middle West and Southwestern points, Ray B. Cox, vice-president and general manager of the Built-in Fixture Co., of Berkeley, said he found conditions best in Texas, very good in New Mexico, and not so good in Oklahoma and Missouri.

Mr. Cox, who is president of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, spent a half day with Henry Isherwood in Chicago, talking over Hoo Hoo matters.

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