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Clearwater Timber Co. Adopts
Selective Logging Program
(Continued from Page 29) stretch of unsightly, bald areas of stumps, snags, brush, slash and weeds. The former is an encouraging view of ample timber supplies for the future, while the latter presents a discouraging picture of denuded land with its attendairt problems of reforestation.
The Clearwater Timber Company's program of selective logging is being carried on under the immediate direction of J. P. Weyerhaeuser, Jr., general manager, C. L. Billings, assistant general manager and E. C. Rettig, chief forester. The plan was adopted for the purpose of conserving and protecting the huge investment represented by the largest genuine white pine plant ever built. The huge sawmill is capable of producing more than 200,000,000 feet a ybar. The Clearwater Timber Company, which is a member of the Weyerhaeuser affiliation, is capitalized at $9,000,000, and its 225,W acres of timber stretch over an area 50 miles long. Tributary to this area are 1,000,000 acres of state and government owned timber lands which also contain a goodly portion of white pine.
As explained by Mr. Weyerhaeuser, the selective logging program originated in the discovery early in the operation of the mill that small logs were too expensive to handle in the woods and in the mill. This was in 1927. The following year forest engineers were employed to recommend a plan of economical operation and administration. At the same time, Assistant General Manager Billings developed a series of mill studies to determine the cost of handling and making lumber from logs of various sizes. These studies led to the conclusion that the mill must be furnished with larger logs and the smaller trees left in the stands for further development. In order that such a plan might be carried out, the timber holdings were divided into old growth areas, where the trees are from 2OO to 400 years oI age; and second growth areas, where the trees are from 80 to 120 years of age. The second division approximates about three-quarters of the total area.
These main divisions were further divided into four groups according to the kinds of timber dominating in a stand, having in view cutting only such timber as can be marketed without loss. These group types based on percentages of the varied woods are: White Pine comprising 70 per gent or more genuine white pine; White Mixed type, 40 to 69 per cent white pine; Mixed White, 10 to 39 per cent white pine; and Mixed type, up to 10 per cent white pine, and the rest fir, larch, spruce, cedar and Pondosa pine.
An important decision of general interest was that to cut old growth timber completely. This was based on the fact that timber ripens and that after trees mature nothing is to be gained by allowing them to stand. They merely die. This is clearly evidenced by the skeleton-like snags that characterize the old-growth sections-old trees that have died standing. Furthermore, matured trees in their fullness are detrimental to the growth of young trees, causing them to be dwarfed, ragged and sparse. The logical procedure is to cut the old timber clean to permit natural reforestation. However, depending upon conditions, old growth stands are logged with a view to conserving reproduction.
Forest Service Opens High
The highest airplane landing field in been opened by the Forest Service. Meadows in the Inyo National Forest, level. It is already in practical use.
Landing Field
the country has just It is on South Fork 9.000 feet above sea