1 minute read
Enemies of Shingles Ready to Fight
Southern Lumbermen Join In Figiit
At a recent meeting of prominent Southern California retail lumbermen called by Henry Riddiford, secretary of the Los Angeles Builders' Exchange, solid and enthusiastic support was pledged to the general state-wide committee in charge of the referendum against the anti-shingle bill. They wiII do everything necessary between now and the November election to induce people to vote NO on the bill.
It is not going to be a one-sided fight-this fight to save shingles for California.
The sponsors of the so-called. housing law-which is the law containing the vicious provisions legislating shingles out of business-have organized, hired themselves a press a,gent, rented headquarters in San Francisco and set out to work to overcome the efforts of the lumbermen.
Of course that means only one thing. That is that the lumber folks have to get busy and keep busy from now until after the election in order to get every one to vote NO on the referendum. It is No. 5 on the ballot. Don't ever forget that.
Supporters of the bill point out that it does not even mention shingles. And that's so, too. But that is just where its viciousness comes in. It accomplishes by indirection what it could not have hoped to accomplishecl by direct action.
Supporters of the bill have another strong basis of appeal when they say that defeat of the bill will kill a lot of wholesome legislqtion contained. in some of the other sections of the measure. Ancl that is true, too. But why go ahead. and make it unlawful for a citizen of California to use shingles on his house or on his barn at the same time you are enacting some other legislation?
The only way to do is to KILL THE WHOLE BILL ancl then let the legislature reenact whatever wholesome and necessary provisions that the measure contains.