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Eastern Wholesalers Now
Are Guests of California
Officials of the American Wholesale Lumber association who left Chicago more than 10 days ago for a tour of the 'West, now are in California. They arrived in San trbancisco on Thursday, the 14th.
It is probable that the entire party will join the San Joaquin valley association on their picnic to Huntington Lake Saturday and Sunday. In that event little time will be available for the stay in 1ss Angeles where they originally were scheduled to be on Saturday and Sunday.
Their San Francisco visit has been taken up with conferences with redwood and pine manufacturers and with a number of prominent wholesalers, followed. by an informal dinner with m.anufacturers and wholesalers,
The party consist of Ben S. Woodhead, President; Dwight Hinckley, Regional Vice President and. Wholesale Representative on the National Standardization Committee; R. B, Mcleod, Director; Joseph E. Davies, General Counsel, and L. R. Putman, Directing Manager. Mrs. Mcleod also is with the party.
Stowell Smite Visits Klattiatii Mills
C. Stowell Smith, secretary of the California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers' association, is on a trip to the mills in the Klamath Falls region. While these mills are in Oregon, they are members of the California association, inasmuch as they cut the same species of pine. Mr. Smith chose an opportune time to make the trip, as in his absence his general offices in the Call building are being rearranged. so as to provide more space for his staff.
how much siding shorter than ten foot lengths HAS to be used on California bungalows.
Is it not a part of the extra sen'ice that Jack Dionne has been preaching, to show your customers the advantage of BUYING shorts instead of long lengths?
WE CAN BACK YOU UP in that service by furnishing specified amounts of short lengths, the quickness of shipment being in proportion to the percentage of short lumber you can take.