1 minute read
Our Preachings Already Taking Root
The head of one of the biggert line yard concernr in California rat in conference with me the other day, and hc eaid:
"I have been reading your paint and rideline editorid ruggertionr with much interert. I war particularly intererted in your account of how The Thompron Yardr, Inc., sell paint. I am thinking of putting in a paint line in our yardr. Hardware alro, in all probability. What do you think of it?"
You can imagine what I told him; rimply that if he did NOT become a paint merchant he would overlook a chance jrut about ar important as hir lumber saler.
".A,ll rightr" he said, "then I am going to pick out a paint firm that has the right kind of stock and furnirhes eelling rerwice, and we will try the paint game.tt
So there is direct rerult already for the rhort editorial caneer of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT.
And that isn't dl, by any meanr. Many rctailcrt bave already expreared to ur their intention of improvinC their placer of burine*, making ttem more illurtrative of thir building activities; alro a most keenly evident intercrt in the subject of Modern Merchandiring to create bueiner.
And it ir THIIi sort of results-and we have becn gctting them for many yearr-that keepr ur pepped up, and hitting the ball. And then the men who go out and @ improving their busine$ methode find that their effortc bring rucb magnificent returns, that they wonder how they ever got along any other way. And THAT fact ir the "proof of the pudding."
In ib editorial utterancec this paper har no intention or derire to unkindly criticiim. It aimr to help the lumbsmcn of California by pointing out to them the thingr thrt othcr men have done in their rame line of burinerr that havc brought rerults, created burinerr, and made money.