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Valley Folks Ready for Big Outing
There isn't much, if anything, for lumbermen in Central California to do now but wait for the two-day outing planned by the San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's club at Huntington lake Saturday and Sunday, September 15 antl 16.
All arrangements are complete and the committee in charge has extended a general invitation to all lumbermen in the state to join them in their festivities.
A letter sent out by J. G. Ferguson of Clovis, chairnan of the committee on arraangements, gives the details of the trip. It is as follows:
To the I:umbermen of California:-
You and your ladies are invited to participate in the outiug, to be given by the San Joaquin Valley l-iumbermen's Club, at Huntington Lake, on September 16 and 77, 1922.
Automobile transportation from Fresno to the Lake, and back, will be furnished by our club members for those unable to bring their own machines.
This will be one of the most delightful and instructive trips possible, and no one should miss the opportunity.
Included in the itinerary, is a visit to the Carlson Irumber Co.'s mill, to the Iluntington Lrake Lodge, and on Sunday a trip over the Kaiser Pass (9300 feet elevation) to where the great 13 mile tunnel is being mad.e.
The return trip will be made along the private road. of the Edison Co., through the gorge of the San Joaquin River where the scenery equals, if it does not excel, the Yosemite Valley.