1 minute read
This space is at your service for want and for sale advertising. Advertisements for help, for employment or for sale can be run in reading form. The rate on this advertising will be $2.50 per column inch.
One of the biggest line yard concerns in the state wants two or three live and. erperienced. yard managers. Address TLrC, Care Cal. Lrbr. Merchant.
The avenue is open to you, Mr. Building Material Merchant, for creating desires for improvements and demands for materials.
The volume of new business you attract will depend upon the personal efforts you put back of ttre service we have created and furnished for you to work with.
Many families in your trade territory are in the market for new homes, new improvementt. These prospects are lying dormant, so to speak, waiting for someone to advise withthem, furnish suggestions, plans, and tell them of the best materials to use.
Many of your business and professional men have allowed their success to outgrow tfieir homes. A suggestion from you would instil immediate desires for new homes,-homes that would be in keeping with their success and business.
All around you are opportunities for increasing sales and profits, but you must go out and create this busine'Es, which, after all, is the only satisfactory kind-because it is non-competitive.
Let us know just what we can do to make our seryice more efficient and profitable to you.