1 minute read
That's My Home
lthat is the worrl ltt' slrcalcs as he comes back frorn rvot'k at night. Who is he? He is one qf {he verte' brae of tirii natiorr. I{e is the man q'hb ol'rns his horne.
.It rnay'bd but'a cottage-; it may-be alnlost hitlcten tneath slirubs, vines and flowers; it rtay be ev€r so bumble,'but it isli"-. Every inch of it, ergry FPit4T, of its giass, every.sticli of its timber is.his,-all !is. ' Our pa-rt in rnaking it possible for ypu to"-say "fhat't'my llome" is irnelping you selec-t plnqs flhat rvill mect alt of -vour requirements ancl furnislr a sraile of material's that rvill enable you to secure rtixiriruru qualitl' a'Dd. (ronve:niencb. for rnoney expencleil. We are oompletely. equippetL to furnish both Horne Building Icleas dnd Materials.
Barr Lumber Ca"
s0l'1-F. fhila*eiphio street t&b:rc.fi
nilBln-=SUMffi ilAT[RlAl'--tmil0fifi
'Yrrdr rt tivhlttla?' a:nte 'Alre, nolrrlk ,. ' .onc.? yrra'fFd,liul, s3 \t. FJrtl.dblphl.rt hPlttng ltr,