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RICI{ARDSON ^QPtoou"t fiom nlttrre's buried treasure s -nrre jearch of color for your roof
Llidden for ages under moun- I I tains of earth and rock lay nature's jewels of color in slateuntil a quarry blast revealed them !
Now, snatched up by gigantic steel carriers, they are sPeedilY crushed into flakes, and later enameled upon a wholly new slatesurfaced shingle. The resulting color is a rareweathered brown, as beautiful as the frostY tan of autumn fields.
Richardson Super-Giant Shingle
-a unique roofing product which in addition to its beauty, offers you an unusual degree of roofing serviceability. For example, its greater size (10/x14") saves 35le in cost of laying. ItsffiTogreater thickness makes it last much longer, and casts a deepershadow line on the roof. And its 100/e greater stiffness keeps it rigid in all kinds of weather and makes the whole roof twice as firm.
A super-shingle indeed, when you weieh its points one by one ! Firstabsolutelv exclusive color effects. Second-unusual dimensions which sive added life to the roof at % less in cost of laying. And final1y-exceptionally high test standards in its materials.
The unique color effects of the weathered brown have delighted architects and home owners, especially when it is blended with other Richardson shingles of jade green,tile red, orblack pearl. Thus, foryouit will be an increasing sourceofnewbusiness.
A super-shingle Weathered brown is usedexclusivelyonthe brins
Moreover, its inner materials, Staularl Shinglc felt and asphalt, give conclusiveevidenceof its endurance. Richardson felt, as you know, has for the last fiftyyearsbeen recognized as the best. And the asphalt which goes into it is of the highest grade raw
Ttu supct-ciarn shingtc-lo7ti matef ials f ef ined thicka, r00Vo mc rieid, anJ, eXClUSiVely by the 35E rnm. qottmical ln cost 01 35To ot tarins Richardson process.
These definite talking pointsesoeciallv the exclusive color effbcts-will bring you new customers. And, of course, Richardson Super-Giants are equally good fornew or "over the old roof " jobs.
Send for our beautiful new color chart, together with sar4ples of Richardson Super-Giant Shingles inweathered brown and other colcs. For every roofing use there is a Ridrardson product-from Lok-Top Asphalt Shingles to Rubbertbx Roll Roofing with Pyramid Khps. Just use the coupon below.
Q6nrcnrnosoN coMPriNr Irc}land (Circinnati), Ohio MelroE€ Park (Chicago), Ill. New Orlcanr, I:.