1 minute read
W. B. "BilI" Dean, of Chico, California, guider and directs the deetinies of the Diamond Match Company intererts in California.
He-is a rtraight-shooting, clear-thinking, rmiling optimirg_ who has made his way in the rlorH bi t&e sim-ple plqr of trying forcefully and intelligently to profit _by the experiencer of other -"t, "ttd by studying hors-in his businecs and personal capacit! -he might best serve the public.
He runs the mills, re-manufacturing planta, and thirt_y-two retail yardr of hie companylrrCaliforniq and has been with the concern for twenty years.
. He is one of the mort rerpected and devoted citi, zena of Chico, and the most ardent Californian never boosted better for any other dictrict, than W. B. Dean doer for tte Chico dirtrict, itr-beautier, its assets, itr opportunitier, and ite promise.
He is a mighty fine citizen as well as a moct active and progreuive lumberman, and deserver well the rplendid things hir friendr ahuayr ray about him.