1 minute read
Elmer H. Cox Starts Gte:rt Fresno Mill-Two Great Plants WorkHarmoniously
Seven miles from Fresno the mighty white and sugar pine sawmill recently built by Elmer R. Cox, and asso' ciates, is booming away.
It is one of the 'biggest, greates,t, most interesting, and most modern mills built for the manufactur6 of Cal'ifornia white and sugar pine. It is the pride and joy of its builder, and his efficient corps of assistants. They tell you pridefully that it is the latest and fines{ thing in mill operations -and it looks the part.
.It is located on the outskirts of Fresno, in a district now referred to as Pinedale. The postoffice is Fresno,'however. It is a completely electricallv equipped sawmill, with every modern facility for the remanufacture of the lumber after it leaves the band'saws, to prepare it for the use of Mr. Consumer.
In the giant sawmill proper .there are four band mills, each busily engagedr in sl,icing the splen'did. pine logs into
(Continued on Page 12.)