3 minute read
New Marks Set in August Building
From all over the state reports arrive telling of new records made in August, usually the quiet month of the year in building.
This year, the hot month started off with a bang, evidently the slightly lower lumber priies having some effect, and all through the month permits were authorized to a total. that will be a record, at least for a short time.
In Los Angeles, the high rnark of last Mar,ch was topped rby a good m.argin. In August this city authorized the large total of $22,249,262.00 in new 'buildings. This comprising 5932 separate permits. In March of this year 5056 permits were issued to a valuation of $2l,196g87.CA. So {ar this year, Los Angeles has issued 40,332 building perrnits, calling for an ,expenditure of $131,221,72o.ffi.
Following are the totals, for some of the cities of the state, doing over $10O,000.00 in August.
(Continued from Page 10.)
lu,mber. In addition there is a planing mill of sufficient size and capacity_ to handle the outpuiof the sawmill; a big and moit modernly equipped bo>l factory; a battery of stea_m dry kilns; a great yard, sheds, loading station, etc.
The timber is cut in the mountains fiftv miles awav.
To transport this timber to Fresno there has been lbuilt an incorporated common carrier railroad, called The Minarets & Western Ra,ilway Company. Its ,main line is 5O miles in length. The logging lines that meet it in the mountains are the property of the lumber company. At the end of this line of rail the lumber company owns enough high.grade sugar and white pine ,tim'ber io keep that great mill in operation for fifty to sixty years-per- haps more-a character of timber that its o*rers believe is unsurpassed for size, quality, and availability.
The name of the E. H. Cox concern that built this great operation is the Sugar Pine Lumber Company.
At Madera, just a few miles north of this new mill, there is another big and very interesting sugar and white pine operation, also an E. H. Cox concern. It is called The Madera Sugar Pine Company.
In the case of this concern, the sawmill itself is also en- tirely new, having been in operation but a few months, and bu.ilt_to replcg one destroyed completely by fire last winter. This mill is not located at the general- plant, as is the case of the Sugar Pine Lumber Company, but i, built in.the Sierras, in the heart of their tim'ber holdings, sixty miles away from the remainder of the plant. T[is mill is just half the size of the new Fresno plant, yet h very large m.ill itself, being equipped with two,heavy bands and all the necessary subsidiary equipment for the mak- ing of splendid lumber.
No railroad connects Madera with the mill. The lumber is _tied together with steel binders, and du,mped ,into a great flume, and the running water in the flume carries it down to the re-manufacturing plant at Madera, where it is unloaded, re-mannfactured,-and dried for market. This is one o'i the longest and biggest flumes known to the Iumbtr^industry,_a full sixty miles long, and carryinC a00 to 350,@0 feet of lumber daily that great distance.
Men are posted at lookout stations every six m.ile6 alone this flume, equipped with telephones and working materl als, and it is there business to keep the flume open, and the lumber running, and to keep it ,in repair. ft -requires a million and a half feet of lumber annually to keep the flume in repair.
The end of the flume is in the yard of the plant at Mradera, and w,hen it reaches the yard it bran,cires into smaller flumes, so that the lumber -can be distributed in various parts of the yard and plan,t before unloading.
_ In the Madera plant there is a big and modern p-ianer, box_ factory, battery of steam dry kilns, storage -sheds, yards, load'ing and unl.oading tracks and facilities, etc. It is here the lu,mber and box shooks are prepared and distributed to the trade.
Elmer H. Cox, of San Francisco, is the active head and General Manager of both these great sister institutions. The executive _department of both mills and compan,ies is the same. Mr. Cox is General Mranager; Mr. -John p. r, and in active
(Continued on page 48.)

Capecity 600,000 ft. daity. One of the biggest and most modern white and sugar pine mills of California has just gtarted full time operations at this point.
A sawmill with 4 bands cutg our wonderful lumber, and there is a great planer, box factory, kilns, sheds, yards, etc., in connection.
There is a huge daily production of Pine at this great plant.
And The Sugar Pine White Pine Necessities Madera
Capacity 3oO,O00 ft. dailv.
The prgduct of these two great concerns is sold by one sales organization, no\ / located at Madera.
Quotations or Information Glady Given
Ad&ess All Such Communications to
A new 2-band sawmill of modern equipment hae juat replaced one destroyed by fire. It ia Iocated in the mountaine above Madera. At Madera we operate a most efficient and modern re-manufacturing plant, with planer, box factory, sheds, kilns, yards, etc.
'We are very proud of our product at Madera.