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Plans and Progress Here and There What Busy CaliforniaLumberFolksAre Talking About
Tacoma, Wa.sh. In the production of sash and doors, the factories of'Tacoma, Washington, have attained a volume which has done much to help establish that city's claim to the title, "The Lumber Capital of America."
In one year alone, that of 1922, Tacorna factories produced Z,ZSa,7Z| doors, more than enough to replace every door of every building in the city. To realize this output, the manufa.iu.ets had to cut up 90,029,000 board feet of logs.
tfoday the mills are turning out 10,0CO doors per -day. The saih and door factories employ 3,0C0 men. In 1889, the number was 300 per day. The sash and door mills employ 3,000 men. Thirty-three.years ago there were.but 400. ioday 95 per cent of the doors and sashes are shipped to other paits of the world, whereas in 1889 the eniire output was consumed locallY.
In iuit four months of this year, the door factories of Tacorira produced 951,250 doors, cut from 38,050,000 board feet of logs. Production of three-ply panels -last year was 24,075,506 sq. ft. To May 1 of this-year the production was 8,655,200 sq. ft. T'o obtain this finished material, 48,151,C00 feet of iogs were used last year, and for four m,onths this year, 17,330,400 feet. -
"And thatts just one branch of the lumber industry in Tacoma and vibinity," explains the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club, which takes a praiseworthl prj{e in- the preeminence whicir its city has achieved in the field of forest products'
ln All Stock Sizcr
Effective September 1st., the Patrick-Andersen Corporation, in the Northwestern Bank Building, Portland, will change their name to the Patrick Lumber Com,pany.
Mr. N. J. Sanford, Jr., has been elected vice-president of the company.
Using Our Philosophy In Colorado
The Hallack & Howard Lum'ber Co.; retail lumber merchants of Denver, Colorado, have recently issued an attractive calender, vrhich displays in large type this philosophy, duly credited to The California Lumber Merchant:
"Good times come and go, but one thing is certain: -honest goods-honest equipment-honest advertising-honest salesmanship-and honest service, will bring in a reasonable amount of business in ANY kind of times."
Siskiyou Lumber Mill Suspends Operations
The Horse Thief Lumber Company, of Siskiyou County has closed its mill, account, according to the officials, of the recent price slump.