1 minute read
Sugar Pine and Honey Bees
Folks, if you are looking for something wonderfully new and 'interesting in the lumber business, go to Chico, Californ.ia, and look over the Bee Hive Department of the Diam,ond Match Company.
You will soon agree that the old axiom that "there is nothing new undelthe sun" doesn't apply to sugar pine as related to honey bees.
A few years ago, almost by accident, this company mads its first Bee Hives. Today they have a great department of their plant doing nothing on earth but making Bee Hives and Bee supplies and accessories (a Bee Hive we discovered has alm'ost as 'many accessories as a Ford) and they are selling about $150,00O worth of this stuff every year, and the business is still growing. 'They have an expert Bee sc,ientist from England in charge of the plant. You not only can buy Bee Hives from them, but you can get the m,ost expert Bee raising and honey making informati,on, literature, etc., from them.
They not only maks sugar pine Bee Hives, but they are makipg by 'machinery a lot of the honey making Joundation work that ord'inar,ily takes a lot of the bees time.
When a swarm of Bees moves into a Diamond Match com,pany sugar pine hive, they find everything ready for housekeeping, and honey collecting and storing. You should see the department where they take big gobs of bees wax, and cleanse it, and purify tt, ,and roll ,it into sheets, and perforate it just as the bee does, and fasten it into the slides, or shelves, or whatever they are, that gro into the hive, and on which the bee begins the storage of honey without further preparation. They take the bees wax and make it'into honey comb, and all the bee has to
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