1 minute read

why' You Can Depend

Builders are at a disadvantage in trying to luy good oalc floors with poorly manufactured flooring. The excellent manufacture of Long-Bell

Oak Flooring makes it possible for the builder to hy a sturdy, beautiful floor with a minimum of Long-Ben

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turing requirements:---

It is the selection of only the High-class, experienced grad- best rough oak lumber. ers, standing directly behind

. the machine, mark the grades All lumber is thoroughly air as the stock is manufacture<1. dried before being Placed in rt is kln-dried in modern moist-air kilns. the machines.

All lumber allowed to cool for All Long-Bell oak fooring is 72 hours after lcilndrying, so bundled with annealed wire, that it will attain itg natural two pieces to each bundle. condition before it is manu- Moisture-proof shedg keep the factured into floor ern machir,",y.rr"J'ff;,#lll stock in perfect condition' which reduces crooked foor- A large well assorted stock on ing to a minimum. hand at all times, enabling us Best side-matcher machines to give prompt service to our known, kept in perfect condi- traoe' tion at all times, thus insuring Good average lengths shipped perfectly matched stock. in all grades and sizes.

A famous end-matcher ma- Long-Bell oak flooring can be chine used, making this fea- identified by the Long-Bell ture of our flooring perfect. trade-mark on every piece.

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