4 minute read
ffiffiCalifornia's Greatest Oak Tree
Hgre is a picture of the biggest and,most wonderful oak tree in California.
-It is probably no exaggeration to say that it is one ot the. grandest, as well as one of the largest oak trees in America.
' They believe, up in the Chico district, where all visitors are taken to see this wonderful tree, that it is the very largest oak in America.
. Certain it is that it is a marvel to stand under and, gaze upon, not only for its tremendous size, but for its absoiute- ly perfect symmetry, and it's perfect health. There isn,t a spot ot decay on the entire tree or any of its limbs, which is most unusual. It is called the "Hooker Oak.', It stands in beautiful Bidwell Park, in Chico, and w,as named by General ;ohn Bidwell, the founder of Chico, after his friend Sir Joseph Hooker, a great naturalist.
New Maywood Company Opens
The Pacific Southwest Lumber and Supply Company, located on 52nd. Street, Maywood, has openLd for -bujiness_. This company has installed a spur lrack into their yard, and has already unloaded a considerable quantity of the stock that will'start them off.
It's description is : Species, Valley White Oak. Age, estimated, 1,000 years. Height 101 feet.
Circumference 8 feet from ground, 28.4 feet. Spread of branches across, 200 feet. Circumference outside branches, 446 feet. Eight thousand people can stand under its shade.
Tacoma, Wash., September 5th. Gift of lumber worth $1,500,0m.00 for the upbuilding of the devastated area of Japan was voted ,here today by the Price Committee of the Douglas Fir Exploitation and Exporting Company.
The committee voted to donate 45,000,C00 feet of lum,ber of all kinds to the Japanese Government. The lumber will be furnished by the exporting mills of the Pacific Coast, which are members of this company.
merchant said: do is store the honey in it, and it's ready for market, box and all, clean, pure, and sanitary.

(Continued from Page 18.)
The old Arkansas saying, "What's time to a hog?" evidently doesn't apply to bees, for in this department they do most of the work a wild bee would have to do for himself, and they just keep the bee busy gathering ,in the stuff that brings in the cash.
There are many, many items of wood, hardware, bees wax, tools, etc., that are used in bee keep'ing, and all of these things are handled in this department of The Diamond Match Company in conjunction wit,h their sugar pine Bee Hive Department. Anything a Bee farmer can ask for, is there. They'have special machines and facilities in their milling department turning out the Bee Hives in volume, and they sell everything from the H.ive to the big mechanical "fan" in which the honey is removed in bulk.

It is a wonderfully interesting department.
Lumber and Boxes
Their sawmill is a b,ig one in the mountains 35 miles from Chico, and the lumber is brought down by ra'il, and remanufactured and shipped from the big Chico plant, where they make lumber of all kinds, box shooks, boxes, sash and doors and millwork, cabinet work, etc. It is a wonderfully equipped and efficient plant, and keeps about 450 men busy at Chico.
They also operate 32 very modern retail lumber yards in Northern California. and are active and earnest students of the modern art of merchandising lumber
Mr. W. B. Dean, of Chico, is in charge of this entire lumber ,department, ,m,ill, wholesale, and retail, and has made a huge success of the enterprise. The mill, remanufacturing plant, Bee Department, and Retail Department are all models of efficiency, and the genial General Manager has so infused his spirit into the entire organization that .it is a joy to watch it operate.
Compion Yard Doing Nice Business
The Bauer Geib Lum,ber Company has opened their new yard on the Long Beach Boulevard, Compton.
Human Carelessness Exacts Heavy Forest Fire Toll
Over 70 per cent of the 610 fires that have occurred up to August 20 this year in the National Forests of California were man-caused, according to the United States Forest Service. These fires burned over 72,N4 acres of Government land, and 34,000 acres of private property within and adjacent to the Federal forests. Out of a total of 124 fires in the Angeles, Santa Barbara and Cleveland National Forests of Southern California, all but six were due to human carelessness, largely that of smokers, camrpers and sportsmen. Fires on the Santa Barbara National Forest, set by the carelessness 'of csmrp€rs and by incendiaries, have burned over 60,000 acres of chaparral and timber covered mountain slopes which were of inedtimiible value for watershed protection purposes. Seventy-four convictions for carelessness with fire in the woods have been secured by the Forest Service to date i the fines ranging from $50 to $500, with jail sentences in some of the more flagrant cases.

The Ability to See What Otherc Do Not See The Ability to See Further Tho,n They See
3. The Ability to See Before They See
Thur ir dcfined what ir probably thc greetert burinerr arcet of thc age by Dr. Mott, thc cxecutive head of thc International Y. M. C. A.
The Training of the Fire Prevention Service Deparhnent of the
Lumbermen's Underwriting Alliance
Develops in its FIELD STAFF the power to detect and visualize possible FIRE TENDENCIES, overlooked by heedless workmen and busy foremen before they grow into ACUTE HAZARDS. It develops the power to look bcyond the mere existence of the hazard and visualizi the OUTCOME, It develops the quick perception-the mental alertness-which causes the menacing condition to instantly register upon the brain the significance of the danger which VISION grasps. The long chance taken in permitting continuance of the hazard becomes manifest to the TRAINED INSPECTOR before its recognition by FOREMEN or by WORKMEN.
And what, do you ask, has this power of VISION availed? Does a SAVING on INSURANCE PREMIUMS made and returned of $2,51n,fin mean anything to you? Do you sense STRENGTH and SOUNDNESS in ready resources of TWO AND THREE-QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS? Do you realize that the ALLIANCE PROTECTM SERVICE has SAVED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF PROPERTY VALUES through FIRE LOSSES AVERTED? VISION pays HUGE DIVIDENDST More than 1,200 LUMBERMEN receive its benefits through the ALLIANCE. If you care to more fully understand our plan and methods, write -.*"1[Firr?*=-:5Gffi J3ililF-