2 minute read
"Long" Jo Steel In California for Moore Dry Kiln Co.
A recent invasion of California of 'more than. passing interest, is the arrival in the sunkist state of Jo Steel, the long, tall young man who has c'ome to represent the Moore Dry Kiln Company in this territory.
You won't have any difficulty in recognizing him if he calls }on you, because he has to stoop down to get in a high door, and he has a good natured grin on his face all the time. He id six feet nine or nine feet six or something of that kind in height. He says he was raised in, the tall
Full Operation
DoucLAs FrR i?i$E[;3ot
Phonc or Whc Yoc hefficr oRovILLE, CAL. timber, and he just naturally tried to grow up in equal comparison to his surroundings. He didn't do a bad job of it at that.
He is lookin,g the California situation over, and getting acquainted. He is located at Oakland, and working the state from there. His address is 159 Lake, Oakland, Cal.
The Moore Dry Kiln Company is one of the oldest and finest institutions of its kind on earth. The ,patent office is in Jacksonville, Florida, but Mr. Steel travels out of the Portland ofifice, which handles all western business. The finm has a big factory at Portland, and supplies the western trade from there. There is no better firrn in the lumber drying business than'Moore, and there is no other firm that is drying as much lumber in steam, kilns in these United States. They are entirely reliable, and all to the good.
Mr. Steel will undoubtedlv be welcome in California.
605 Ftfe BIdg. San Francirco
Phone Dug. 3415
Our soft Vhitc Pine from the Feather River Canyon will meet your requirements for factory lumber and finish. [.ct us quote on your demands for the coming seiason.
Your inquiries and orders will receive our usual prompt attention if sent either to ourselves or to our . SouthernCaliforniarepresentatives:
Manh-Suong BuitCins, Los Angelcr Phoncr l2TtLPico 2129
GAL|FORlllA WlllTE /.@DN and SUGAR PlllES
PAUL BUNYAN LATH, sherthing Pffi% Buitding lumber and Finirtr. Factory and lath combined in one piece. A p.t- yffi:/ Lumber. Pattern Stock. Wide clears fect bond for stucco. A solid job of \SW./ and uppers for drainboards and ghelv- rlll,appurance of lunber is on impordnt itsnwithbuyqs as L eouy rcta;iler ¬os. .Weye,hreusa. Mills rcalizethe impor tance of supplying rteir cusbners utith well machineil, fine ap. peoring stock.
The men in the planing nill must see that thqe is no aibtation of the nachhtes ta mar the wotL, fouadations mustbe firm, fasten ings seane.The plana knives mustbe sharply Sround and propqly set. The rolls mustbe fuee fton pitchand otha olcatmrdloiorc. The blowqs rnrrust be utorkitg propaly so thot no chips will be caught on the feed rolls to mar thelutnbq. Anil thzse arebutafant of the iletails responsible for thefine appeatdnce of 'Weyahaeuser stoclc. On the left is shown a battuy of planer"s dt on,e of theWeyu. haeusq Mills. On the righr is sho um part o! the five million teet d dt esseil lrlrlnber in the ilry shed. at a.n,other Wet el:.haeuser Mill.