2 minute read
The Advantage to the Dealer in a Right Buying Connection
T-IHE old argument that lumber is I "all the same" doesn't fit in with the way many retailers are working today.
What many a retailer has discovered is that the way to keep his trade coming to him is to be able always to give them the particular type of lumber they want and have become accustomed to-not a Srade "just as good" -but the same grade of the same type from the same source, year after year. Each lot just like the one before-that kind of personal attention to the wants of your trade will build volume for you on a permanent basis.
Looking at the retailing of lumber in this light throws an entirely new slant on lumber buying methods. The old habit of haphazard shopping around for lumber is not as popular as it used to be.
This type of retailer is particular about his buying connections, What he wants is a dependable source of uniform supply. He goes to the coricerns that can and will take care of him on this basis. He finds it beffer to keep supplied with the type of lumber his contractors and carpenters want than to try to switch them to something else.
Such retailers don't have to put up with a profit-eating bone-yard. The lumber they get is saleable. Every piece of it earns a profit. And the big thinS these retailers have discovered is that their buying methods and their uniform quality lumber are the best salesmen they have.
The'Weyerhaeuser Mills like to see this new trend in buying. It is the particular kind of buyer that they are best equipped to supply. Their pleasant close relations with hundreds of retailers who purchase on this basis merelyindicate their desire and ability to render a complete dependable lumber selvice.

Again we repeat that the first policy of the 'Weyerhaeuser Mills is to make high-quality, uniform lumber and deliver it to the retailer in saleable condition. Every member of the or ganization is acquainted with these ideals and works toward them.
Weyerhaeuser lumber is available to retail dealers through the 'Weyerhaeuser salesman. FIis first principle of selling is to_help you-to aid you adjust your stocks to meet your local demandsto see that you are covered on your requirements at the right time and in the right way. Part of his duty is to see that you are satisfied with every stick of lumber you buy of him.
The Weyerhaeuser salesman knows personally the personnel of each mill he represents; he knoWs their stocks; he knows just what they can do 'for you. FIe is a man who understands the buying as well as the selling of lumber. The rnills have confidence in him. They rely on his judgment; they fulfill his promises to histrade'
If you do not know the addrbss of our local district representative, a letter or wire to our nearest branch office will prrt him in touch with vou at any time.
cDhnibutors of WEYERFIAEUSER
Forest Products
General Offices . SPOKANE, V/ASHINGTON Branch Ofices
ST.PAUL 269f UnirmityAve.
The Veyerlu*sa SaY: Coyryny is_t!:-comltled se-lling organi<atiott of ilre follon ;ng Weyerhaeusa Milk and Disrtburtng P-lants:
Chqnoqr-bqCo... CloquetrMinn. BonnersFerry_LumberCo.... BonneroFetryrldaho
The Northeor LuoberCo. OoquetrMinn. BoieePayette-LumberC,o. n"i"L, Idaho
Johnson-Ventrvorthep. CloquetrMina. SnoquatmieFallslumberCp. Snoqualmief.U"rW."t. Podatchlumbete.o. Poditch, Idaho WeyerhaeuserTimberC,o. .'. . EveretqVash. Humbind LumberC.o.
EdwaldRutledgeTimberC.o. ...Coeurd'Alenerfdaho ThompeonYarderfnc.. St.paglrMinn. VoodconvercironCo. . CloquetrMinn