1 minute read
Let Tacorrra Fill That Order!
Tacoma Has the Re-
-€-----\42: sources, the Capacity and the Shipping Facilities.
Place your orderg for, Pacific Northwest forest products of_every description where exceptional resourc;-s, urrUs. ual man-ufacturing capacity and idequate shipping facilities, both rail and water, assure their beinj nU"a *ittt speed and satisfaction.
Tamgca, "The Lumber Capital of America," has the resources. She is the pulse and center of a tremendous lumber-producing arei of 6ne Douglas Fir, Red Cedar and \ffest Coast Hemlock.
Tacoma has the capacity. The daily cut of the Tacoma District would provide modern, 5-room homes for 350 families! Tacoma manufactures more forest products than any other city in America. r
Tacoma has the shipping facilities. Her lumber shipments by water, coastwise, intercostal and foreign, exceed those of any other city. Four great railroads serve her needs.
L"ook to Tacoma for lumber and lumber productr!
To harte your inquiries reach the entire lumber manufacturing inferesls of Tacoma anil Tacoma District, utrite or wire: