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St. Louis Ouster Situation
The nineteen retail lumber firm's of St. Louis which were fined and ousted by the Supreme Court of that State in July 'for infringement of the anti-trust laws of the State of Missouri, have been trying since the dec'ision of the Supreme Court was rendered to secure a modifi'cation of the decision, so far without result.
Application for 'modification by the entire nineteen defendants, was promptly answered by the Atty. General of the State asking the Supreme Court, instead of modifying the ouster and the total of $qi,000 fines, to 'increase the fines to $2,5m,0CO instead. He made the argument that during the term the defendants had been found guilty of conspiracy, they had sold to the St. Lou'is public 500,000,000 feet of lumber at from $5 to $10 a thousand more than they could have secured for it without the conspiracy, and asked that they be fined $5 a thousand on the am,ount sold under those alleged conditions.
Fire Loss At Placerville
A fire loss of approximately $100,000.0O, mrostly lumber, was suffered by the box factory of S. G. Beach and Son the early part of this month. About 750,000 feet of lumber and ieven cars of shook was consumed.
The Supreme Court has answered neither the plea of the defendants for modificati,on, nor of the Attorney Gen: eral for an increase, as yet.
In addition to the general plea for modification, two separate mot'ions have been filed by individual defendants, giving separate and distinct reasons for modification. Three of the defendants joined in one motion of this sort, the Vandeventer Lumber Company, the Shallabarger Lumber Co., and the Holekamp Lumber Company. A separate motion was filed by the Julius Seidel Lurnber Company, the Goodfellow Lumber Company, and the Wiles-Chipman Lu'mber Company. No reply has been made as yet to any of these filings.
Hale Lumber Company At El Centro
The Hale Lumher Company, Frank H. Hale, Manager, is a new firm just starting a new lumber yard at El Centro. Cal.
New Manager At Perris
manager Lumber
We sell anything in softwoods that the California dealer desires.
White Pine. Douglas Fir, Redwood, Cedar and Redwood Shingles, Split Redwood Posts, Ties rnd Stakes
}TEND[II{G.IIAT]|AI{ C(l. 405 Lw-bcrtcatr Bldg. ,.*. sAN FRANCISCO, CAL