2 minute read
The Sunday Motorist
The car was at the curb.._ In it or near it, expectantly waiting, were the owner and his familv.
. 'lWq-u!4 you care !o take a Sunday ride with us?,'the motorist asked affably
. "Thanks, it is very kind of you,,' we replied. ,.When dol you start ?"
"As soon a-s the police give us our starting' time," he said. ,,We put r{r. an application to go out this morning and Willie has gone to call- Headquarters now to see if it was lranted bv thi Tr"affic Commissioner-."
'1A11 that formality?"
"Oh, yes. And quite proper, too, conside,ring the number of cars and the congestion o,n the roads, Well, Willie',-as his son vsfsynsd-"rvhat is the word from the police?"
"Our startiing time is 10:43, Pop, And you're to take Route No. 9."
"Whats the idea?" we asked blankly. you rrish and go,,Irlele you want tol"
"Can't you leave when
'Oh, no," replied the Sunday motorist. "We have to go where the police send us. If aj policeman stops us and asks for 6ur route card and we're in another road, we'll be summoned to court and fined."
"And is it a pleasant ride, this Route No. 9?',
- "No,.indeed. We haven't had a car long enough to draw any of the nice routes. All the good roads are taken. They're aj- sigled by segioritS you know. Route No. 9 goes mostly -by gas tanks an{-ash dumps on the outskirts of the city, and is full-of holes.. Seing out on it all day is no joke"-this with something of a sigh.
- "E!rt can't you comq back home when you feel like it? Surely the police-"
"You don't understand. The home-coming congestion on all roads is terrific. Once you're out, you have to takg your turn coming- back._ You geti your place in line from the police and you stay in it. There's nothing you can do about it except abandon youi car,-and then very likety they'd'arrest you for wilfutly obstruiting traffic."
."Do you mean .to tell .me," we_began, dumfounded, ,,that you can't come home here until the police-let you, once ybu're orit?t; "Precisely_ that. For even if I could find a'way to sneak back to town, they'd ar,rest me for parking in front ofmy own house if I were in ahead of my_ tim.e. ThIs street is a one-way traffic street from 4 to 8 on Sunday evenings. You can't beat thi game. I've tried and I know."
- "Rgp,' interrtpted. the motorist:s son, a worried look on ,his l?ce, "do you think it's true what the Salvation Army song says, that every day'll ,be Sunday by and by?"
The motorist's cheeks blanched deadly white and he could not answer. The vision was too awful--(Liie).
Pioneer Memorial Redwood Grove Dedicated
Eureka, September Z.-John Muir,s interest in the Se- quoia sempervirens, and his service as a pioneer in the cause ,of saving the Redwoods was the subiect of an address by Dr. William F. Bade, Councillor of the Save the Redwoods League, at the dedication of the Humboldt County. Pioneer Memorial Grove near Orick on Sept. Znd. A considerable number of people from Humrboldt jnd Del Norte counties ,as well as visifors from San Francisco and other points throughout the state attended the simple open-air exercises held at the grove, which is a 166 aire tract ,on the State Highway 60 mriles n,orth o,f Eureka, whictr 3as gi-vgn to. the State of California by M.rs. Zip- porah Russ of Ferndale
Judge G. W. Hunter of Eureka spoke on behalf of the local community, particularly the Humboldt pioneers, for whom this grove is a memorial. He spoki of loseoh Russ, to whose memory Mrs. Russ asked-that this-eroie be dedicated, and told of the qualities of the early seltlers who built up and developed Humholdt County. - He emphasized particularly their love for the wonderful Redwood forests. A number of early settlers from, all parts oJ Humboldt County attended the exercises.
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