5 minute read
One of the most unique and notable Con-Cats in the history of Southern California Hoo-Hoo was that which the San Diego bunch pulled off on September first on a log raft, moored in the ocean near that city. The San Diego mem'bers kept up their reputation for doing t'hings differentlv and better. and thev almost over-did themselves in their liospitality and live initiation ceremony this time. The log raft had a section decked over and enclosed from outer gaze.
Dinner was served on the raft at 6:30 in the evening and a Hawaiian Orchestra kept things merry during the eating. There was Hawaiian dancing also, with. lots of fun and enthusiasm.
Fifteen kittens "went through" while a hundred Cats looked on and enjoyed the ceremonies. Fred Hamilton, Snark at San Diego, and his merry gang of men, never pulled anything better than the Con-Cat on the Raft, which will live long in memor/. Snark Curtis Williams, of Los Angeles, and Snark M. V. \Arhitson, of Santa Ana, were among the notables present, while the Cats came from all parts of Southern California.
The officers were: Fred C. Hamilton, snark; Chas. S. Dixon, senior Hoo Hoo; Al Glendenning, junior Hoo Hoo; F. O. Benz, scriven'oter; Will Glasson, bojum; Homer Miller, jabberwock; W. H. McDermott, custocatian ; Geo. Mellville, arcanoper; J. F. Rastine, gurdon.
The initiates were: Harry A. Cass, Howard R' Kavanaugh, A. E. Scott and C. T. Pollard, Chas. R. McCormick Lbr. Co., San Diego; Ralph W. Smith, La Mesa Lbr. Co., La Mesa; Herbert Bowler, Frost Hardwood l-lbr' Co., San Diego; Chester A. Lane, Glassen Planing Mill, San Diego; Henry E. Rieger, Harry C. McGahey, Ralph M. Augustine, Chas. C. Wafer and Robt. O. Zumwalt, Benson Lumber Co., San Diego; Stelvart M. Morgan, with H. A. Browning, Los Angeles; Geo. A. Mees, Frost Hardwood Lbr. Co., San Diego; Willis H. Davidson, Pease & Osborne, I-ong Beach.
Mr. Her,man L. Rosenberg, Secretary Treasurer-of the H:ipolito Screen and Sash Company, T,os -Angeles, has beCn elected to serve as Vicegerant Snark of the Los Angeles District for the corriing Hoo-Hoo year, September
9th,1923 to September 9th, 1924.
The vote was taken by mail; each mem;ber in the district sending his vote to the retiring Snark, Mr. Curtis .Williams. There were two nominees, Mr. Rosenberg and Mr. C. S. Estes, of the J. O. Means Company, wholesalers of Los Angeles.
It would have been hard for the nominating committee to have selected two more fit and suitable candidates for the honor, and it is a testimonial to their wise selection that Mr. Rosenbergs lead in the final count was but five votes,
The new Snark will, without a doubt fiIl the ,position rn'ell, and will do great things for the order.
Saturday, September 22, is the date selected by Chairman C. S. Estes, when the wholesale lumbermen of Los Angeles will again meet the retail gang to decide the baseball championship of Los Angeles.
It is rumored that this coming contest will be a hot one. Not satisfied with the disastrous results of the game played at the last Concatdnation on August 11th, when the retail team went down to defeat at the hands of the wholesalers, said retailers have asked for a return go' and the newly elected Snark, H. L. Rosenberg has complied, naming Mr. (Continued on Page 41.).
Tie lV00D IC0RE WAtt B0ARD
Demanded for its greater strength
--and|-,._afiUgn\ cnmale-pfoof construction.
When it comes right down to selecting material for permanent wall linings, CompoBoard passes every teet.
This tough, sturdy board is not injured in handling. It will not chip or crack. Pieces will not break off. It saws clean, with no frayed edges. This easily handled, 4-footwide board saves considerable time in building.
In the final tests of long use, Compo-Board is unequalled. It resists the banga and knochs of furniture. It keepe out the dampness and gives better protection against heat and cold than a plaster wall a foot thick. Does not shrinlq warp or buckle.
Unlimitcd Dceorativc Poeribilitis
Compo-Board' tales any decoragi6n-1yatt paper, burlap, cloth, paint or kalgominc. Panel atrips rnay be used but are not required. _ Compo-Board Filler is specially prepared to fill the joints and nail headj, leaving a smooth, fat wall.
The Board with the Biggest Market
No other wall board made has tre combineil features of greater strength, resistance to moisture and protection from heat and cold. Sell the wallboard that frlls ALL of these demands- the wood core wall board. Made and sold for 30 years.
Large Complete stocks always on hand.
Write today f or sample, merchandising .plans and full information.
The Compo Board Co.

(Continued from Page 39.)
Cliff Estes as the committee to arrange the time and place.
The wholesale team will be captained by Fred Golding, and the retailers have placed their faith in Leo Hubbard, of the Hayward Lu,mrber Company.
The scene of the contest will be announced later by Mr. Estes.
Spokane To Hold Concat In October
A monster concatenation will be held at Spokane, Washington, at the time of the Pacific Coast .Logging Congress during the latter part of October. Vicegerant Snark, R. L. Bayne announces that they will have a large class and will put it over in great shape.
Lumbermens Club Holds Banquet At Watsonville
About thirty members of the Lumbermens Club, representing ,m?ny of the retail companies in the northern part of the state, met at the ,{,ppleton Hotel, at Watsonville recently, for their third monthly banquet and get together meetlng.
Shingle Bureau Issues Attractive Book
The Red Cedar Shingle Bureau has just issued a very attractive twelve page, handsomely colored booklet dealing wtith shingles, their uses etc.
The booklet shows a half dozen very well designed all shingle homes that will interest the dealer, and also contains a lengthy description of the various grades of red cedar shingles, telling of the practibility of each grade and the advantage to the dealer of selling the "artistic and practical roof."
Japan Buys White Cedar In Humboldt
Orders for approximately one million feet of California white cedar logs have beCn placed by Japanese interests with the McDonald Lumber Company of- San Francisco, who has placed the logging order- with Charles Lambert and W. C. Barrick of Humboldt.

-C?tpl have been established on the Trinitv River, part of the logs have already been hauled out io Essex,- by truck, and then shipped by rail to San Francisco.
It is understood that the Japanese governemnt will use this stock for aeroplane manufacture, and other uses.
Additions To San Diego Yard
The Western Lumber Company at San Diego has taken a permit Jor the construction of a new shed at their plant in that citv.
This new building will be 45 feet long of m,odern construction.
Another Yard Adds Plan Service
Ml E. F. Heiser, progressive manager of the progressive _I_ndependent Lumbei Company, oi Glendale, -has-just installed a complete plan and architectural service depart- ment that is expected to bring big returns for his company. In addition to the usual photographic plan service, Mr. Heiser has also prepared complete mateiial lists for the convenience of his prospects.
The San Pedro Lumber Company is planning a new planing mill at their plant, that will cost in the neighborhood of $125,000.00.
Construction will start at once, and when completed, this new plant will employ about seventy men.
- KOA', Hawaiian Mahogany offers distinctiae hardwood uooduorh at s medium price
for homes, rtores, store windows, vestibules and office buildings.
_Koa is a high class hardwood, unusually well 6gured. When finished natural it shows exquisile high lights and stradows, or it can be stained ai Mahogany often is. Koa runs clear and fine widths.
More Distinctiae Than Gum
Koa can be finished in neutral tones lile Gum. It has, however, a more distinctive and aristocratic appearancc than gum, and it is a far more durable wood.