2 minute read
Direction No. 8 (.) To Order L-335
I)irection No. 8(a) to Order L-335, elTcctive Septerrrbcr 4, 1914, contains temporarv pror,isions rclating to the de1ive11' of certain lumber on ttncertiiied :rnd ttnrate<l orclers.
(a) What This Direction Does
This clirection permits lumber distriltutors to deliver tt,r "a11 other consumers" accumttlatecl stocks of slorl' moving items u'hich are not adaptable to $'ar uses i{ the delivery of such lumber does not interfere u,ith the filling of certified orders. It also perrnits sau.mills arrd clistributors in certair-r areas to dispose o{ thcir excess stocks of Douglas fir', larch. ancl Red cedar to fartners in those areas s'hen they are not required to fil1 ccrtified orders.
(b) Sale of Inventory By Distributors
Any lumber distril>utor as clehnecl in paragraph (lt) oi I)irection B to C)rder L-335 is :ruthorized to deliver to "all other cousumers" as clefined in paragraph (-) ttf Orcler L-335 on uncertified and unratecl orclers up to an amount of lrrmber not exceeding one-third tif his lumlter inventorv as of September l, 194'1. Deliverv oi this lumber may be ma(lc anv time betu'eer-r Septenrber 1 and Decemlrcr 31, 1941. I{orvever, no lumber in the gracles of No. 2, No. 3 or No.l common in Iclaho White pine, l'onderosa pine or Srrgar pine may be rlelivererl under the above provision. This direction makes no provision for repiacement o{ lttrnber in inventory which is sold ttnder this paragraph.
Port Orford Cedar
(Also known as White Cedar or Lcwson Cypress)
Lumber Ties CrossingrPlcrnksDecking
Tunnel TimbersVenetian Blind Stock
Also Suppliers oI
ALASKA CEDAR (clso known og Yellow Cedor or Alcskc Cypress)
(c) Delivery of Douglas Fir, Larch and Red Cedar to Farmers
.\nr- l)ouglas fir, larch, or lled cedar producecl east of tl-re Cascacle tnoturtain range in the States of Washington and Oregon arrcl in the States of California, Iclaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevacla, Lltah, Colorado, Arizona, Nerv Mexico, aucl South Dakota may l>e sold b1' sarvmills and lumber distributors on uncertitretl arrd unratecl orclers of farmers locatecl ir.r the States of Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, Neu' Mexico, Nev:rcla, IJtah, Colorado, Iclaho, Ifontalra, Wyonring, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, fou'a, and X' innesrlta. For the purposes of this direction a "farmer" tleans a person who elrgages ir.r farming :ts a business, b1' raising crops, livestock, bees, or poultrv. It rloes not include a person rvho has just a "r-ictort- garrlen" or a person who raises food or otl.rer agricultural products entirely for his own use.
(d) Deliveries May Not Interfere With Filling of Certified Orders
No cleliverl' nlay be madc uncler the provisions of this directic.rn if the deliverl' n'il1 interfere u'ith the hlling of a certified or<ler.
Wins State GolI Crown
E,rnie Piepcr, Ir., San Jose, u'ou the 1944 California amateur golf charnpion at Pebble P,each. September 10. He n.:rs formerl,r' u'ith Cheirn Lumber Co., San Jose.
Ponderosa Pine Sugar Pine
Douglas Fir White Fir