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)lonufocturer! of Souglat 9i, {u^bn, \THOLESALE LUMBER PILING PLYITOOD
Truck, Car or Cargo Shippert
Telephone Twinoaks 2515
Ninth Avcnue Pier, Oakland 6, Calil.
Lumber Merchants of Northern Calilornia Edgar Pack Has 55-Year Record Will Hold Fall Meeting October 20
The annual fall rneeting of the Lumller \{erchar.rts Association of Northern California u'i1l be held on Friday, October 20, at the Palace l-Iotel, San Francisco'
The meeting, helcl for the prime ptlrPosc of iacilitating the retail lumber dealers' part in the t':rr effort, s'il1 be high' lighted by three r.r'ell knou'n speakers'
John K. Chapel u,il1 a<lclrcss the groull on the liuropean theater of the rvar, arrcl LlLrrl Smith r','ill spcak on the Pacific tl.reater. Both of these mcn have travclctl extensivell' through these areas antl are rvel1 qualihcrl llv personal otrservation to speak on their srrlrjects.
In addition Dr. George S. Rcnson, presidcnt of Harding College, will address the mecting on matters pertaining to our own country, and the thrce talks l'ill givc those present a "round the u'orld oictttre" of cttrrent events.
Chcrrles Gillett loins AFPI Stcrlf
Charies A. Gillett, former Statc I'-rlrester of Arliausas ancl lately Industrial Iiorcster of the Seaboard Air Line Raihvay, joined the Pulllic Rciations Staff of An.rerican Forest Products Inclttstries. lr.rc., Scptcmber 1. lIe rvill direct efforts seeking greater public ttncierstanding of tire forest fire problen.r, thc organizatirtrt of trcs' state "Grcen" conrmittees similar to those in Washington, Oregon, ancl I'{innesota, and act as liaison officer 'bctu'eetl Anrerican Forest l)rorlucts Industries and state forestrr- depaltmcnts.
Edgar \A,'. Pack has a host o{ iriencls among lumbermen on the Pacific Coast, particularly in Washington and California. Ife has been taking it easy for a u'hile for health reasons at his small citrus ranch at 201 South Grand Avenue, La \/erre, Calif. Here he is ahvays glad to have {riends drop in u,l"ren they are in that neighborhood.
Mr. Pack spent 20 years in the Northrvest, cluring 14 of u'hich he lr':rs lumlter buyer for Hammond l,umller Co. r,r,'ith headqu.rrtcrs in Seattle. He l'as in busincss for himself in Seattle {or a feu' \'ears, and in 1942 became pttrchasing officer for the U. S. Army Iitrgineers in the State of Washington and hclcl that position until i11 health forced l-rim to quit. He hopes soon to be active again.
Incidentally 1.re startecl his lumlter career in I'[anitoba, Canacla, 55 years ago and at tl-re age oi 16. Before going north in 7922he n'as it-t charge of Hammond Lumber Compan\"s branch yards for -some time at the Los Angeles office.
Chcrnge of Name
Announcement rvas made recentlr' b1' N. O. Cruver, generai manager, that the Wheeler Osgood Co., Tacoma, has absorbed the Wheeler Osgood Sales Corp., as of June 30, 1914. The sales company had been an operating sub::idiarr- since 1933.
I[r. Cruver saicl there u'ill lre no change in Personnel or company policr', and that all ltrrsiness u'il1 ir-r Iuture be transacted in thc name of \\thecler Osgood Co.