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KlMSUl,* f lomsuuAuo@N
Bosirolly Differenloo oBusirolly Better lnsulotion
flmSUf bhnket comes compressed, packaged as at left. For installation, KIMSUL blanket is expanded 5!z times packaged length. This is an exclusive KIMSUL feature that saves on freight, handling and storage charges. \trfhen blanket is expanded to point where stitching is taut, KTMSUL is being installed at proper density. Note rows of strong stitching which run lengthwise through each KTMSUL blanket After installation, stitching prevents KrMstIL from sagging or "packing down'l within walls. Once KIMSUL Insulation is properly installed, it "stays put". KTMSUL blanket assures the home owner of lasting comfort protection, plus years of greater fuel economy.
KIMSUL blanket doats oa water indefioitely-a positive indication of the blanket's resistance to moisture in6ltration through capillary action. Each KIMSUL 6ber is coated with asphalt, one of the best-knowo moistutestopPers.
KrMsuL blanket is made of numeroui separate and selfsupporting continuous sheets which are bound together and reinforced with rows of strong stitching. Dark areas showo indicate dead air spaces which make KIMSUL bighly efrective heat-stopper.