1 minute read
A Resolution by the Board of Directors
TheBanl<n I vote for Plastite, because it helps to maintain the collateral valueof a building.
The Realtor
The Plastite-built building hasa better resale value.
The Architect I feel safe in specifying Plastite because it is a tested material of known standards.
The Genqal Contractor I know from experience that any product of the Riverside Portland Cement Co. can be depended on.
The Plastering Contractor I vote for Plastite because it gives greater yardage and a satisfactory job.
The Plastqer I can do more work in a day with less labor when I use Plastite.
'The Building Supply Deal.q Plastite must be a superior material because its use is steadilyincreasing.
WHbeWSd, It is our duty at all times to keep in mind the best interests of the Owner, and e_-///fr=\_9
WHlleI:|.BS, Ttre owner relies upon our expert technical knowledge of the best materials and practices, ftt, llt lhasolbe!, That we will specify and use Plastite Waterproofed Plastic Cement on all concrete and stucco work requiring permanent resistance to water.
PLASTITE is a Portland cement of the highest quality, having also waterproof and plastic qualities that make its use real economy. Detailed information regarding the many uses of this remarkable material, Plastite, will be sent free on request. Write Plastite Department, Riverside Portland Cement Co.,724 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Califomia.
" Plastite Progressr" an intqesting illustrated monthly magaTine, will be mailed widwut charge