1 minute read
California's genuine'White Pineis this month celebrating the l.00th anniversary of its romanticdiscovery,by David Douglas, the iritrepid explorer and pioneer botanist of the Pacific Slope. Coming events cast'their shadow before, and just as the planet Neptune was discovered before it was seen, its existence rnade known by its satellites, so was the existence of Sugar Pine foretold to Douglas by seed in an Indian's pouch. It was in October 1826, L00 years ago this month, that the explorer botanist first came uPon the Sugar Pine after a year's search that had taken him from the Columbia River at Vancouver, Washington, where he fust saw the seeds, to the Sierra Nevadas in California.
Today, explorers in the tealm ofbetter lumbir for-sash, doors, exposed wood wotk aod patterns, are again discovering Sugar Pine as the ideal species. The search which has qone on sinfe Eastern \7hite Pine wanEd, is being successfrrlly and happily ended formanyin theirfirst car of genuine ' Vhitc Pine from C,alifornia.
Ifyou have not tried it order a car today. The results will both sutprise and please you. Tfrite us for further iriformation about ihis wonderful and romantic wood and let us Dut you on the list to receivc "Sucan PrNlr Ficrs", a monthly publication full ofuseful andinterestin! data about this splendid lumber. SUGAR