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Florida Real Estate Boomers Have Moved To Texas Panhandle
Amarillo,'Tex., Sept. 24.-Deserting their lot sale grounds in' the Sunshine State, Flqrida r:eal estate promoters are moving into the Panhandle of Texas, organizations, tactics and all.
In Ar.narillo alone there now are probably more former Floriddns than in any other city in the southwest, while virtually every one of the other Panhandle towns now booming also has a quota of Floridans helping things move'
All the tactics of the frenzied Florida selling campaigns are being employed in the new boom area, with the addition of a new departure of applying real estate sales tactics to the oil game.
The largest real estate organization in Amarillo was imported almost bodily from Miami, for example, bringing its salesmen, staff and campaign system with it and using precisely the same sales strategy that made the Florida city famous,
"Bird Dogs" on Hand
"Bjrd dogs," "Pointers," oceans of bright colored flags and pennanls on every lot, treasure hunts, free lots, free automobiles, "sight-seeing" tours, huge advertisements, dodgers, hand bills, broadsides, all the weird devices for separating the investor from his cash for the lot are in use'
The "bird dogs" or "pointers" are comely young women stationed in the principal hotel lobbies and other places where possible buyers may be found.