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The West Improves in Prosperity
The business map of the country published in the last issue of "The California Lumber Merchant" should give the business men of the Pacific Coast much cause for self-congratulation and satisfaction.
In thirty. days' time the Pacific Coast territory had improved in business and financial condition more than any other part of the country, and the whole nation showed marked improvement.
Those maps are issued by The Nation's Business, published by the United States Chamber of Commerce. The conclusions arrived at are by men with no axes to grind, no purposes of an ulterior character to be served. They are honest digests of unbiased opinions on conditions.
The free state of Arizona took the cake, nationally. In August all of Arizona showed "FAIR" on the map. In September, thirty days later, it all showed the white of prosperity. The entire state, and one-third of the western side of New Mexico with it. And the whitq spread across Southern California to Arizona.
_ S. _E. (_Sam)_ Dalton, popular manager of the Melrose Lumber Co., Oakland, ii in the Nort-hrvest where he is calling on the Oregon mills and visiting with his lumbermen friends. He will be arvay from biusiness about two weeks, returning around the fiist of the month.
The only other all prosperity state in the Union in this map is Oklahoma, and Oklahoma was half white the month before. Texas is a little more than one-half white, the rest fair.
The Los Angeles territory and all of California from the Los Angeles east and west line south, is shown white. The entire Bay District of San Francisco, Oakland, etc., is white with prosperity. No part of California is worse than fair.
The western half of Washington turned white, and the Portland territory in Oregon showed the same way. The rest of both those states showed fair conditions.
The California-Arizona district, the Pacific Northwest and the Texas-Oklahoma district are in grand shape. There is only one other prosperous diitrict of any size shown in the country, and that is the Chicago territory and surrounding district.
The Pacific Coast is going great. Let's help make it even better.
Returns From Honeymoon Trip
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dunning, recent newlyweds, have returned to San Francisco after an enjoyable three weeks trip to Honolulu where they spent their-honeymoon. Mr. Dunning is the popular sales manager of the Little River Redwood Co., rvith headquarters in San Francisco.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturerr of Califotnia Whitc and Suglr Pinc Lumbcr
Dfflb et Suranville end lfilt, CeL
15O,O(X),(X)O Fcct Annud Crpdty
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Sale. DGpt. Firrt National Bank Bldg. . San Franeirco