2 minute read
5tb aad Breaara Str,, lha Frucbco
WHOITSAI.ERII rith conplotc rtoclr or Lerd h ell 3rrdor, borh crrlilrrT rnil uluiutl riro:
REDwfi)D (ro*cd)
What Do You Mean, Mr. Montague?
(Under the title "Pretty Tough," this poem by James J. Montague, recently appeared in the'Los Angeles Times.) Much fault with trees has long been found, Because their trunks are fashioned And, when sawed up leave bulgi lryhich will not serve at all as flanks, ks.

If trees grew square, the mill
Their cares would vanish all
So rnen have searched the And found at last
Yet still must men fare
To fell these trees and saw
And every saw that c "them rnust of dust, Leave irr their wake a trai
Which winds,across the Creating economic loss. A thing on which we all Because it cuts the profi dowtr.
If trees would only saw In shingles, Iath and pan
And turn themselves to Of small suburban Or fall apart in any That fitted with the of man, What stacks of money c be made By people in the lum trade !
The Secret Of Reducing
"You must reduce by taking exercise," said the doctor to the too-fat woman..
"\l[/hat exercise do you recommend," said she, glad to know she didn't have to diet.
"Push yourself away from the table three times a day," replied the hard-boiled doctor.
.Henry Van Dyke (says Thomas Dreier) says there are three rurfailing causes of strife and contention among men: Land, women and the formula of religion. Why do we quarrel about these things when we know that only one of them is worth quarreling about?
Saving Gasoline
A certain auto owner who read the motor papers and motor advertising, installed a new Carburetor that was guaranteed to save 20 per cent in gas consumption. He then installed special spark plugs that were guaranteed to save 20 pet cent of the same precious fluid. He put in an intake superheater that was also guaranteed to save 20 per cent. He then put in a patented rear axle with a guarantee of a 20 pe,r cent saving, and put on a brand new set of tires that were guaranteed to save 20 per cent in gas consumption. Finally he drained his crankcase and refilled it with a new oil guaraqteed to increase his mileage 2O per cent. Now, with a fuel eco4omy guarantee of 120 per cent he has to stop every hundred miles and bail out the gas tank to keep it from running over.
Human Ostrich
Too bad that of worth, Produced by this earth, cobl, the oil, uch toil.
The trees, the stones, Involves in getting, so
Too bad that man, To lie around and ne in hordes p boards, toss, frown, shelves, rows would prefer stir
Where fields are and skies are blue, Has always so much to do!
On street car-Hey, boy, wake up ! Boy-I ain't asleep. I just got my eyes closed. I can't bear to see the women standing in a crowded.street car.
A TOAST tlere's to the girl who's mine, all mine.
She drinks and she bets and she smokes cigarettes, And I'm told when she's out with the boys, she forgets That she's mine, all mine.